Unesa.ac.id. SURABAYA—Since 2024, PDM-10 (PAUD, Primary and Secondary Education) is collaborating with the UNESA Literacy Center to increase literacy and numeracy in Indonesia, especially in East Java. Prof. Kisyani. M.Hum, Head of the UNESA Literacy Center said that PDM-10 provides material assistance, quality reading books, and book links for schools with low literacy scores.
In addition, PDM- 10 are ready to train prospective literacy and numeracy resource persons from partner campuses. "Regarding the costs of carrying out activities at schools or offices, these are completely handed over to the activity organizers," he said.
As a follow-up, Thursday (13/6) a meeting was held between the Surabaya Education Department's Middle School Education Division and the UNESA Literacy Center at UNESA Vice Chancellor IV office. Dr. Martadi, M.Sn., Deputy Chancellor IV for Planning, Development, Cooperation and Information and Communication Technology, said that this collaboration needs to be carried out.
"These two institutions have parallel competencies and interests. The UNESA Literacy Center has a team of national level literacy and numeracy resource persons. "The Surabaya Department has plans to hold literacy and numeracy training," explained the man who was once Chairman of the Surabaya City Education Council.
This meeting was to discuss cooperation in developing training on AKM questions for junior high school teachers in five areas of Surabaya. In fact, the target of PDM-10 activities is junior high schools that have low education report cards (categories K-1 and K-2).
"The target is all junior high schools in Surabaya, including those with green literacy and numeracy scores ," hoped Atiko as a representative from the Middle School Education Division of the Surabaya Education Service.
This AKM development training is planned to be held on June 25 2024 at Gloria Middle School, Surabaya. The forms of training offered by UNESa on an ongoing basis are offline workshops, assignments and online evaluations.
There are two training models that will be carried out by the department. Deputy Heads of the Middle School Curriculum will take part in training using a general model. As for the MGMP administrators, the form of training is specifically deepened towards AKM for ANBK.[]
Author: Fafi
Photo: doc Fifi
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