Resource person and moderator of UNESA Indonesian Language and Literature Education Scientific Forum (PBSI), SURABAYA—Surabaya State University (UNESA) has once again become the center of academic discussions that attract the attention of activists education, especially in the fields of Indonesian language and literature as well as Indonesian for Foreign Speakers (BIPA).
The "Scientific Pulpit" activity this time was held by the Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program, Faculty of Languages and Arts (FBS), which presented two expert speakers in their fields.
Dr. Fafi Inayatillah, M.Pd, an expert in literacy learning in schools, and Dr. Prima Vidya Asteria, M. Pd., who has expertise in BIPA learning.
Fafi Inayatillah opened the discussion by emphasizing the importance of literacy in schools as the main foundation in forming literal character in the younger generation. In his material, he mentioned the importance of integrating literacy in the curriculum.
Literacy is not only related to the ability to read and write, but also the ability to understand, analyze and evaluate various types of texts. Therefore, the integration of literacy in the curriculum is crucial in building a strong foundation for students.
Apart from that, the woman born in Lamongan also highlighted the role of technology in literacy learning. The use of digital media, such as e-books, online learning platforms, and special applications, can enrich students' learning experiences and increase their interest in literacy. As well as strengthening the role of teachers.
“Teachers play a central role in forming student literacy. "Innovative and diverse approaches are needed in teaching literacy, as well as providing teachers with effective learning strategies," he said.
Meanwhile, Prima Vidya Asteria introduced BIPA learning as an important bridge in spanning cultural diversity in the international world.
Some of the points highlighted in his presentation include, learning BIPA is not only about mastering grammar and vocabulary, but also understanding the cultural context behind the language.
This requires the development of intercultural skills depth. Every BIPA student has a different background and needs. Therefore, the learning approach must be flexible and able to adapt to students' individual needs.
Then, as in literacy learning, technology also plays an important role in BIPA learning. Online platforms, learning applications and other digital resources can help enrich the learning experience of BIPA students.
This activity not only provides in-depth insight into literacy learning in schools and BIPA learning, but also invites participants to reflect The important role of education in forming character and stretching bridges between cultures.
Educators hope that the results of this discussion can be an inspiration for education activists to continue to innovate and improve the quality of learning in Indonesia.[]
Reporter: Nabilla Habibah Al Cholis (FBS)
Editor: @zam* (FIP)
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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