Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-Institute for Professional Education and Certification (LPSP) Surabaya State University held the 3rd class of In-service Teacher Professional Education Orientation Training (PPG Daljab) online on Wednesday, November 15 2023.
It is known that every year UNESA has full trust from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbud Ristek) to organize PPG Daljab. Moreover, Unesa has obtained a graduation rate of 89% which is concrete proof and has gained more trust as a favorite campus of choice for PPG students.
Vice Chancellor II, Law, Management, Finance, Resources and Business, Dr. Bachtiar Syaiful Bachri, M.Pd., in this activity said that teachers have an extraordinary role in the development of the Indonesian nation, especially in directing and providing knowledge to students in the school environment. Moreover, teachers must be teachers who meet the required and expected criteria.
The Unesa PPG team in collaboration with lecturers, he added, is able to create a learning environment that is fun and full of responsibility. Furthermore, there will be several combinations of learning in accordance with what are currently new studies.
According to him, currently the challenges for educators are increasing as the student learning process is different from previous years. So this makes the existing challenges increase.
"The current challenge is not about how they learn, but more about how teachers teach," he said.
UNESA PPG Team Dr. Hermanto, M.Pd., explained about PPG Daljab category 3 learning in 2023. These include deepening the material, developing tools, and PPL. Meanwhile, for the learning implementation flow, there are nine steps which include (1) problem identification. (2) exploration of the causes of the problem. (3) determining the cause of the problem. (4) exploration of alternative solutions. (5) determining the solution. (6) determining action plans. (7) making an evaluation plan. (8) implementation of action plans and evaluation. (9) final reflection and follow-up plan.
The training further explains the structure of the category 1 curriculum by the LMS Team of the Directorate General of GTK. It states that there are three courses which include the value of (1) deepening the material by analyzing problem-based learning material, literacy, numeracy, and high-level thinking skills. (2) development of learning tools through seminars or workshops. (3) and practice field experience through field practice. (*)
Reporter: Amalia
Editor: Rachmaddani Rizki Saputra
Photo : Public Relations Team Documentation
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