The PKKMB FIKK atmosphere, the leadership emphasizes to new students that college is a valuable opportunity to gain knowledge, develop abilities, increase experience and strengthen mentality. Make the best use of it.
Unesa., SURABAYA—A total of 1,194 new students from the Faculty of Sports and Health Sciences (FIKK) UNESA enthusiastically took part in a series of Introduction to New Student Campus Life (PKKMB) activities which were held at the Lidah Wetan Campus 2 International Basketball Hall on 20-23 August 2024.< /p>
Irmantara Subagio, Deputy Dean for Planning, Finance, Resources, General Affairs, Cooperation, and Communication and Information Technology, in his speech emphasized the importance of the role of students as future leaders, especially in holding control over the direction of the nation.
According to him, students are not only expected to achieve academic achievements, but also to develop strong character, integrity and discipline. "Students are agents of change who have a big responsibility in building the nation. I hope that all of you can develop your potential to the maximum," he said.
Donny Ardy Kusuma, said that students are faced with the challenges of the era of industrial revolution 4.0 and society 5.0. During the lecture period, students will go through a journey full of twists and turns, like a roller coaster, which will shape them into more mature and independent individuals.
"The freedom they have sounds attractive, but in reality, they will be tested with more challenges, including in terms of independence to live on their own," he explained.
In the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 , which is marked by technological advances such as cyber physical systems, students must be ready to adapt to rapid changes. Meanwhile, society 5.0 will connect everyone through the Internet of Things (IoT), opening up new opportunities and freeing humans from various limitations.
The biggest challenge for FIKK students, according to him, is how to develop the right lifestyle, thinking style and speaking style in this era. Reasoning and critical powers must be sharpened, but not just to protest, but to provide solutions.
"Look for a social environment that encourages progress, and be someone who is always curious, not just pretending to know," he stressed.
dr. Ananda Perwira Bakti, emphasized the importance of character education for students as potential leaders. Students are not just individuals pursuing higher education, but they are potential future leaders who must have a disciplined, honest and enthusiastic character.
He explained that character education is not just theory, but is education of values, morals and character. It aims to develop students' ability to make good and bad decisions, as well as maintain and apply goodness in everyday life wholeheartedly.
"Character education aims to develop national character that is capable of realizing the noble values of Pancasila," he added.
The function of character education is to develop a person's basic potential to have a good heart, thinking good, and good behavior. Apart from that, character education also plays a role in strengthening multicultural behavior and increasing the nation's competitive civilization.
For students, the aim of character education is to develop the potential of their conscience as human beings who are cultured and have national awareness. Character education also encourages students to become independent, creative individuals and have a strong sense of nationality.
"Students are an elite group of intellectuals who have a big role in changing society's way of thinking to respect cultural traditions and sites historical heritage," he concluded.
Wildan Rizqi Agustian, as Chair of the PKKMB Committee, expressed his hope that this activity could be a good start for new students to build a solid foundation in campus life. PKKMB is not just an introductory activity, but also an important moment to instill the values of character, independence and creativity that will become the provisions of new students.
"I hope you can take part in this entire series of activities with enthusiasm and dedication , and make it a valuable experience in forming personality and skills that will be useful in the future," he explained.[]
Reporter: Mohammad Dian Purnama (FMIPA)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: FIKK UNESA Team
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