Unesa.ac.id., SURABAYA—Primary School Teacher Education Study Program (PGSD) Faculty of Education (FIP ) Surabaya State University (UNESA) held the SD PPKn Teaching Materials Innovation Expo for the first time on Wednesday, May 22 2024. A total of 14 classes of 2023 consisting of 84 groups presented their best teaching materials.
This Expo was held in order to fulfillment of the outcomes of the SD PPKn Teaching Material Development course taught by Hendrik Pandu Paksi, S.Pd., M.P; Helda Kusuma Wardani, S.Pd., M.Pd; Vicky Dwi Wicaksono, S.Pd., M.Pd; and Dr. Ari Metalin, S.Pd., M.Pd.
PGSD Study Program Coordinator, Putri Rachmadyanti, S.Pd., M.Pd., appreciated the presence of the expo as an outcome of the SD PPKn Teaching Material Development course for for the first time.
"I can't forget to express my pride to the students for their active participation in developing creative and innovative teaching materials in elementary schools," he said.
Chief executive, Hendrik Pandu Paksi said that for the first time the expo was held based on the needs of courses based on teaching material projects, later efforts were made for the finished teaching materials to be registered for Intellectual Property Rights (HKI).
One of the requirements for registering this IPR is the product has been published, then in the context of mass publication of the product the exhibition is held.
Apart from that, within the scope of the study program, exhibitions are held as a means of student appreciation for their work which will not only be assessed and then completed. Furthermore, this expo is a motivation to create similar activities for other study programs and faculties.
"Actually, the teaching materials market is aimed at the general public, therefore the expo is held in an open area, so that other study programs and faculties know about the products our teaching materials. "If someone is interested and buys it, this is an opportunity for students," he concluded.
The teaching materials on display have their own uniqueness, ranging from digital to non-digital based media. One of the products and innovations in the teaching materials on display was 'Brain Card' which was apparently inspired by the Uno card.
The PPKn teaching materials exhibition was packaged in such a way that each class was required to present an art performance. This attracted the attention of students both from PGSD and from study programs and even other faculties. Not only that, several groups provide snacks for those who visit their booths.[]
Author: Lina, and Dede/FIP Reporter Team
Editor : @zam*
Documentation: Alfi/FIP Reporter Team
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