unesa.ac.id, Surabaya State University (UNESA) will hold a grand reunion on Saturday (6/1/2024) at Graha Unesa Jalan Citra Raya Lakarsantri Lidah Wetan Surabaya.
The first grand reunion held by the campus with the tagline one step ahead became a gathering place for Unesa alumni of all classes. Apart from the entertainment program with guest star Guyon Wathon, a series of interesting activities will highlight the event.
These activities include alumni awarding. There are nine categories of alumni receiving awards, namely Disability Caring Figures, Educational Figures, Arts and Culture Figures, Sports Figures, Outstanding Young Alumni, Public Officials, Entrepreneurship, Regional Innovation Pioneers and Community Empowerment Pioneers.
Apart from that, IKA Unesa Community Service activities for the Country were also held. In this event, the role of alumni in contributing to Unesa will be socialized through their potential, such as scholarship programs, links and matches with the world of work, and various infrastructure that can be contributed by alumni for the progress of the campus with the term home. the champions.
Director of Student and Alumni Affairs Mohammad Sholeh explained that this grand reunion was the first agenda organized by UNESA. Usually, reunions are often held by their respective study programs and faculties.
"This is the first time UNESA has held this for all classes," he added.
Sholeh, who is also an alumnus of the Faculty UNESA Education Sciences said, apart from being an inter-generational gathering agenda, the Unesa Grand Reunion was also an opportunity to share motivation and concern through Bhakti Alumni. "Hopefully, the event can be held well and I don't forget to express my appreciation to my fellow committee members," he said.
Sholeh hopes that the Grand Reunion which is estimated to be attended by 4,000 to 5,000 alumni of ex-IKIP Surabaya and UNESA This can be a momentum to build relationships and implement concrete actions by alumni so they can contribute to mutual progress, especially for Surabaya State University.
"We call on alumni from various corners of the country to return to Unesa's 'hometown' for a moment. , and together collaborate to make a real contribution to our beloved Unesa," he stressed.
To enliven the event, the committee also invited guest star Guyon Wathon. This acoustic dangdut band from Kulon Progo, Jogjakarta will entertain alumni while enjoying the nostalgia of their college days. Apart from that, at the grand reunion there will also be a door prize drawing in the form of an Umrah for five lucky alumni.
The day before the Grand Reunion, still in one series, on Friday, January 5 2024, the Unesa Alumni Association (IKA) Central Conference will also be held. In this event, the General Chair of IKA Unesa for the 2024-2028 period will be elected.
"We hope that the grand reunion that will be held will not only be able to create togetherness, but will also be a form of real concern from the alumni for Unesa and Indonesia," concluded Sholeh. (PR)
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