Unesa.ac.id., SURABAYA—The Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs (Dit. Belmawa), Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) held an online Socialization for Student Registration for the Class 7 Teaching Campus Program on Tuesday, October 17 2023. According to plan, this socialization will last until Tuesday, 31 October 2023. Meanwhile, registration is open on 1-24 November 2023.
The socialization will be attended by participants from students, lecturers and existing higher education leaders. in the work area of Higher Education Service Institutions (LLDIKTI) regions I to region VI. As part of the MBKM framework, the Teaching Campus was launched with two outcomes, namely increasing student competency and accelerating the increase in literacy and numeracy of students in target schools.
Director of Learning and Student Affairs at the Ministry of Education and Culture, Sri Suning Kusumawardani in his speech said, Campus Teaching is an implementation of the spirit of mutual cooperation which invites all elements of society to work together in building better Indonesian education in the future.
"This spirit has also been successfully implemented by the Teaching Campus Program where 112,000 students have "I went directly and collaborated with teachers, principals and parents of students in more than 23,000 target schools," explained Sri Suning.
He added, Teaching Campuses could be the answer to the current challenges of job market demand. HR is increasingly complex. Therefore, the learning that students will take part in while joining this program is considered to be able to hone various competencies such as communication skills, cooperation, leadership, creative thinking, and also problem solving.
"I hope that the goal "This is good, we can also get full support from universities to provide the widest possible opportunities for students to join, register and serve in the Class 7 Teaching Campus Program," he added.
Sri Suning invites as many students as possible academic and vocational programs to join the Teaching Campus Program and take a role as agents of change that advance Indonesian education. He believes that learning through the Teaching Campus will provide a unique experience that will encourage Indonesian students to understand the meaning of education.
"A journey full of stories as a learning process that students will go through over the next few months through this program, I hope it will also be a journey in discovering the true meaning of the importance of education," he said.
Vocational High School and Vocational Students
In addition, the Academic Director of Vocational Higher Education , Beny Bandanadjaja, expressed his appreciation for the achievements that have been made by the Teaching Campus Program, especially in presenting new learning methods for vocational students and involving Vocational High Schools (SMK) as target schools since the assignment of the sixth generation.
" "With the opportunity to serve in vocational schools for vocational students, we hope that students can share their experiences and knowledge in the aspect of strengthening digital literacy and help train leadership and communication for students in vocational schools through collaboration with teachers," said Beny.
Activities This socialization then continued with a material presentation session regarding registration requirements, the benefits of implementation for students and universities, and the implementation timeline presented by the Head of the Teaching Campus Program, Asri Aldila Putri.
To expand the reach of information regarding registration, The Ministry of Education and Culture will hold an online socialization about the opening of registration for the Class 7 Teaching Campus Program in sixteen LLDIKTI regions.
The registration period for the Class 7 Teaching Campus program itself will begin to open on November 1 2023. This program opens up opportunities for 30,000 students who will be selected. Later, applicants will take part in various selection series before finally being able to be sent to 3,000 target Elementary Schools (SD), Junior High Schools (SMP), and Vocational High Schools (SMK) throughout Indonesia.
Registration Requirements
Students who wish to be involved in this program can complete the requirements to register for the Teaching Campus program: 1) Indonesian Citizen (WNI); 2) Active students both academically and vocationally; 3) Come from a study program accredited at PTN and PTS under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and Culture;
Furthermore, 4) Be in the lowest semester 4 at the time of program implementation with a minimum GPA of 3.00; 5) Have never been designated as a participant in the previous class of the Teaching Campus Program; 6) Physically and spiritually healthy; 7) Willing to participate, implement and complete the Teaching Campus Program until completion.
Further information regarding registration for the Class 7 Teaching Campus Program, can be accessed via the official Teaching Campus Instagram: @kampusmengajar; MBKM Campus Teaching Program page: https://kampusmerdeka.kemdikbud.go.id/program/mengajar; and Teaching Campus electronic mail: kampus.mengajar@kemdikbud.go.id.[]
Writer: Hiline Wijayanti
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: UNESA Public Relations Team Documentation
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