Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA—East Java or (Jatim) Regional Student Arts Week (Peksimida) officially opened in the rectorate field of Surabaya State University (UNESA) Campus 2 Lidah Wetan, Surabaya on Sunday, July 21 2024 evening.
The Peksimida held by the Indonesian Student Arts Advisory Board (BPSMI Jatim) hosted by UNESA this time carried the theme "Freedom with Inspiring Artistic Talent Achievement."
The opening of the event was marked by the planting of a puppet by the Chairman BPSMI East Java, Setiawan Noerdajasakti and Chancellor of UNESA, Nurhasan
In his speech, Chairman of BPSMI East Java Setiawan Noerdajasakti said that there were 545 students from various universities throughout East Java who participated in this activity
“Participants come from 37 universities in East Java and there are 15 competitions that will be contested," he explained.
He hopes that Peksimida This can get a reliable champion to represent East Java in the National Student Arts Week (Peksiminas) at the Jakarta State University (UNJ) next September.
"Two years ago we won 2nd place, for that "This year, God willing, we will be the overall champion," he hoped.
Targeting to be a National Level Champion
The Chancellor of UNESA, who is familiarly called Cak Hasan, said that Peksimida is a forum for students in improve practical abilities in the field of arts, both sound arts, performing arts, literature and fine arts
UNESA Chancellor Cak Hasan hopes that Peksimida will also strengthen the artistic spirit and identity of the generation. East Java youth, is also an opportunity to improve the quality of human resources in general.
“Students are able to develop their talents and interests in artistic creation to strengthen and enrich the nation's culture based on diversity," he said.
By The existence of Peksimida, he continued, is expected to improve the quality of campuses in East Java and is an implementation of the breakthrough of independent campuses which can produce young talents.
"Times may change, globalization may occur, but if we want to become a country "Going forward, we must continue to love and be based on cultural roots so that the Indonesian nation does not lose its identity," he said
The opening of the East Java Peksimida was attended by the leadership of East Java BPSMI, UNESA and FBS.
At this opening event, he hopes it can be a good start for the implementation of Peksimida and for all universities in East Java to be able to carry out future activities.
"Apart from that, we also hope that this activity can strengthen ties and cooperation between universities in East Java," hoped Cak Hasan.
For your information, the opening of Peksimida was marked by various performances of art works or stage acts by East Java students, one of which was UNESA, whose opening atmosphere looked majestic and impressive. All levels of leadership from BPSMI, UNESA, and the Faculty of Languages and Arts (FBS) were present at this activity. []
Reporter: Farhan Bachtiar (Fisipol) and Fionna (FMIPA)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA PR team
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