Unesa.ac.id, MOJOKERTO—The Student Organization Capacity Strengthening Program (PPK Ormawa) of the Counseling Guidance Education Student Association (HMPBK) UNESA carried out program monitoring and evaluation (monev) at the Bejijong Village Hall, Mojokerto on Friday, November 3 2023.
Chief Executive of PPK Ormawa HMPBK Angela Amanda Berlian Hati explained that there were several superior programs that had been prepared and implemented by her team for three months before the final monitoring and evaluation by the Directorate of Learning and Student (Ditbelmawa) team.
The first program is Anjang Karya Gajah Mada which creates educational tourism packages targeting student targets. It includes a full day tour to two leading historical tourist destinations, namely the sleeping Buddha statue and Brahu Temple.
The tour also serves to highlight cultural crafts that need to be preserved. Such as the practice of making Majapahit batik, the practice of making terracotta crafts, and cerbung education.
Then another program is Siwalan Pro Siaba which takes the form of public speaking training, village history, and making promotional videos. Then there was Jong Fest which was created collaboratively with local youth organizations to celebrate the anniversary of Bejijong Village which contained traditional games and promotional videos. The competitions are also varied, there are clog competitions, coconut shell stilts and tug of war.
Then there is a cultural class program which contains language and wayang classes, career guidance classes, and mayang rontek dance classes. Then there is a batik fair which contains competitions for three categories. The kindergarten category colors batik with typical Majapahit motifs, the elementary school category draws and designs batik in general, and the high school category designs typical Majapahit batik.
Even at the Batik Fair, he added, the Governor was also present during the fashion show performance of Mrs. -local PKK mother. Apart from that, there is also the Nyeni Yuk program which contains procedures for canting batik. "During those three months our aim here is to optimize the arts and culture in this village," he said.
Director of Student and Alumni Affairs, Dr. Muhamad Sholeh, M.Pd., in his speech advised that the PPK Ormawa HMPBK team must be able to implement the knowledge and knowledge gained both at college and after activities in this village to the wider community.
Head of Bejijong Village , Pradanatera Mardiatna, S.I.Kom., revealed that the synergy between village officials and the Ormawa HMPBK PPK Team had been well developed. We, explained the Village Head, admitted that the presence of the Unesa students really helped us in dealing with village dynamics, including how to empower tourism in our village. Especially in the aspect of Javanese Majapahit culture. This program has attracted quite a lot of public interest in the language and dance aspects.
It cannot be denied, said the Head of Bejijong Village to the Belmawadikti review team, before the PPK team arrived, there was still a lack of culture and etiquette in the village youth aspect. . Moreover, puppet characters are still of little interest to the public. Then there is the problem of residents who lack love for Javanese culture, especially Majapahit.
Then there is the issue of synergy between village institutions and the meaning of teamwork that has not yet been formed, the lack of interest in batik design among young people, mental problems in children since childhood and the concerning gender issues of the local community.

So when the PPK Ormawa HMPBK Unesa team came here with all their programs, he emphasized that they had successfully completed their tasks and played an important role in overcoming several village dynamics. More than that, this Unesa student succeeded in changing the mindset and lifestyle of children around the village, and succeeded in building a better village ecosystem. (*)
Reporter: Saputra
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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