Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA—Various achievements do not just happen, but are born from the commitment and hard work of all parties. Therefore, achievements should be appreciated and reflected back as reinforcement for future improvements. That is what the Faculty of Education (FIP) is doing through an activity entitled "Friendship, Final Semester Evaluation, Achievement, and Congratulations.
In the event which took place at Auditorium 05 FIP UNESA Campus II Lidah Wetan, on December 8 2023 , Dean of FIP, Prof. Dr. Mochamad Nursalim, M.Si., appreciated the 3 FIP study programs which achieved international accreditation from the German accreditation agency, the Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation (FIBAA) with status without conditions.
The three study programs are S-1 Educational Technology (TP), Bachelor of Special Education (PLB), and Bachelor of Primary School Teacher Education (PGSD). “Other study programs are in the process and struggling to improve their accreditation. "Hopefully everything will be made easier," he said.
He said that FIP has many new lecturers. There are 4 new lecturers in the Counseling Guidance (BK) Study Program, 2 new TP lecturers, 4 new Extra School Education (PLS) lecturers, 6 new PLB lecturers, 15 new PGSD lecturers.
Furthermore, there are 3 new lecturers in the Basic Education Masters Study Program, 3 new lecturers in the Early Childhood Education Study Program, 6 new lecturers in the Psychology Study Program, and 8 new lecturers in the Education Management Study Program. In total, 13 PPPK lecturers, 29 DTN lecturers, and 12 PNS lecturers.
The addition of lecturers is expected to increase the dignity and quality of FIP UNESA. "This also reflects the growth of positive dynamics within the FIP UNESA environment," he said.
In the presentation of the performance achievements of the FIP UNESA academic community in 2022-2023 by the Deputy Dean for Planning, Finance, Resources, General Affairs, Cooperation, and FIP UNESA Information Communication Technology, Dr. Andi Kristanto, M.Pd. explained the increase in the number of collaborations with more than 2,000 partners.
He highlighted the achievements of FIP UNESA students from several levels of championships including, 1 regional level, 9 provincial levels, 76 national levels, and 8 international levels .
Apart from that, FIP has broken the MURI record for the most collaboration with educational foundations, obtaining the most IKU. FIP lecturers also succeeded in being included in Indonesia's Top 10,000 Scientists in 2023 according to the AD Scientific Index.
FIP also succeeded in maintaining monumental activities during the education month - activities launched to provide recognition for students in MBKM.
In the international arena, FIP has collaborated with dozens of partners from various countries such as Thailand, Australia, Finland and the USA. Not only that, FIP has also provided students with various international activities. There are PLPs to the Philippines, International Workshop at Cologne University Germany, Student Mobility Undergraduate and Postgraduate PG PAUD at the Indonesian Embassy in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Basic Education Masters Student Internship at Khon Kaen University, Thailand.
There are also those who take part in the Summer Camp to NCUE Taiwan, Student Exchange to Thaksin University, Sea Teacher Program 2023, Bicol, State College of Applied Sciences And Technology (Philippines), Student Exchange with University of Malaya and others.
“Part of the FIP breakthrough namely opening international classes," explained Andri Kris (his nickname). In order to provide students with comfort in studying and doing activities, FIP has repaired all buildings. Plus the launch of smoke-free areas and integrity zones.
The achievements and accomplishments made by FIP are not a place for complacency, but FIP continues to move to hone HR competencies to benefit themselves and the nation.
“The various achievements achieved and achieved are motivation to achieve maximum results again in the future. "From FIP to UNESA and the Indonesian nation," concluded Andi Kris in the event which was also attended by the Director of Labschool, Prof. Dr. Sujarwanto, M.Pd., and Director of Student Affairs, Dr. Muhamad Sholeh, S.Pd., M.Pd., and the community around FIP. []
Reporter: Annisa Lailatul M/Nelly Najwa
Photographer: Reynaldo/Tama/Mustika
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
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