Unesa.ac.id., SURABAYA—The 2024 ASEAN University Games (AUG) is only a few months away. The ranks of the relevant ministries together with a number of university venues in Surabaya and Malang continue to finalize preparations.
In order to welcome the AUG, the Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs (Belmawa), Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture signed a cooperation contract with Surabaya State University ( UNESA) on the 8th Floor, Rectorate, Lidah Wetan Campus, Surabaya on Monday, September 18 2023.
Febri Rahman from the Belmawa Directorate and central administrator of the Indonesian Student Sports Advisory Board (BAPOMI), on this occasion said that the work this time as a means to support the implementation of AUG 2024.
AUG is an event held every two years. Therefore, this year the government is focusing on collaborating with various universities in Indonesia, including UNESA to prepare for the AUG which will be held around June 2024.
Furthermore, he explained the form of cooperation carried out as related funding, sponsorship, and the process of preparing human resources who can contribute to AUG 2024. Collaboration will continue to be carried out and continue to be coordinated until the event is held because this is an ASEAN level activity.
He added, the host of AUG this time is East Java with Surabaya and Malang as the central venues. Around 9 universities in these two cities will be the competition locations.
In Surabaya this competition involves 5 universities such as UNESA, UPN 'Veteran' East Java, University of Surabaya (Ubaya), Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) , and Airlangga University (Unair).
Meanwhile, Malang involves 4 universities; Brawijaya University (UB), State University of Malang (UM), Islamic University of Malang (Unisma), and Muhammadiyah University of Malang (UMM).
"East Java hosted the implementation and UNESA was given the mandate as the leader and also assisted by several universities others in East Java. "The reason we appointed UNESA as the leader is because we see that UNESA has adequate sports facilities and also superior human resources in the field of sports," he added.
He also hopes that the support provided can ignite the enthusiasm of the relevant bodies and triggering other support to provide the best for the implementation of AUG 2024.
Vice Chancellor for Education, Student Affairs and Alumni, Prof. Dr. Madlazim, M.Si., on this occasion said he was ready to mobilize all his abilities to make AUG 2024 a success.
He continued, apart from preparing for AUG, UNESA is also preparing athletes to take part in the National Student Sports Week (POMNAS) in South Kalimantan, where athletes who qualify will also be sent to AUG. [*]
Author: Sindy Riska/Fatimah Najmus Shofa
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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