Unesa. ac.id, SURABAYA—Eid al-Fitr is a moment of transition in eating and drinking patterns. From fasting for a month to being free to eat and drink during Eid. Various food offerings and typical holiday snacks make many people go crazy.
According to the lecturer at the Bachelor of Nutrition Science, Faculty of Sports and Health Sciences (FIKK), Surabaya State University (UNESA), Desty Muzarofatus Sholikhah, S.K.M., M.Kes., there are at least several changes in eating patterns during Eid, namely from the aspect of time and frequency.
"Eating patterns during fasting are often more regular and disciplined, with more controlled food when breaking the fast, after tarawih, and "dawn meal consumption time is also limited," he explained.
During Eid, the tendency for dishes that are rich in fat can increase metabolic health risks. The production of stomach acid and insulin also changes.
Excessive glucose consumption after Eid can increase the risk of decreased insulin sensitivity, which is a factor that causes metabolic diseases such as diabetes. For this reason, during Eid it is necessary to apply the principle of self-control as is done during fasting.
One of the steps that can be taken to maintain your diet during Eid is to follow the "fill my plate" guidelines recommended by the Ministry of Health, to makes it easier to choose the type and amount of food consumed so that it is not too excessive.
Apart from that, don't immediately consume large amounts of food. Considering that during fasting we usually only eat two to three times a day, it is important to slow down the frequency of eating at the start of Eid, to give the body enough time to adjust.
"Maintain the principle of restraining your desires, including appetite, Even though you are faced with various delicious dishes during Eid, it is important to maintain self-control in consuming excessive food," he concluded.
Desty also suggests starting your meal with fruit consumption. Carrying out the sunnah fast for Shawwal can also be a process of training the body (adaptation) to face changes in eating patterns better.
The lecturer who was born in Lamongan also gave tips so as not to go crazy during Eid. One way is to apply the principle of playing full eating, namely eating slowly with full appreciation to enjoy every taste of food without rushing.
This can avoid excessive food consumption, because the body will respond by producing satiety hormones. and hunger, such as leptin and ghrelin, in a timely manner.
Before visiting family or neighbors, it is advisable to eat first at home with a balanced nutritional meal, so that you don't consume too many snacks when visiting.
It is also important to meet your fluid needs with plain water or mineral water so as not to consume too much sugar from sweet drinks, and to remain active by doing regular exercise for at least 30 minutes per day, which can be increased in intensity gradually. []
Reporter: Mohammad Dian Purnama (FMIPA)
Editor: @zam*
Photo/illustration: Darya Sannikova/Pexels.com
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