Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA—Surabaya State University student team (UNESA) involved in the Social Humanities Research Student Creativity Program (PKM-RSH) has developed an innovative strategy to prevent Binge Eating Disorder (BED). BED itself is a serious eating disorder characterized by uncontrolled eating behavior and consumption of abnormal amounts of food.
As the team leader, Syafika El Nabila, said that BED disorders can cause various health and psychological problems as well as the sufferer's quality of life. BED is also increasingly receiving global attention, but in Indonesia, research related to this disorder is still limited.
"Through my background as a nutrition student, I realized how important it is to deal with nutritional problems, including BED, by combining various aspects of science to get a more comprehensive strategy," he explained.
In research Currently, the PKM-RSH team is adopting a multidisciplinary approach to understand and address BED. They collaborate with students from other faculties to study various factors that influence eating disorders. This collaboration allowed his team to explore BED from multiple angles, from nutritional factors to psychological and social factors.
Lini Anisfatus Sholihah, the team's supervisor, revealed that the topic discussed was very unique and updated from previous research. "In terms of the data collection process, PKM RSH has a very high level of difficulty and I appreciate the team's persistence in searching for data by visiting several hospitals and psychiatric clinics," he said.
"I am also amazed by the collaborative cooperation between students from sociology, psychology, communication and nutrition, making this team have good strength in solving research challenges," he added.
He hopes that the findings from this study have the opportunity to prevent BED as early as possible. This research can also inspire not only other researchers to study this phenomenon more deeply, but also health and psychological practitioners, as well as parents for future generations.
The students who are members of this team include Syafika El Nabila from S1 Nutrition, Thesya Claudya Putri Piloto from S1 Nutrition, Leoni Diastanti from S1 Psychology, Tohiruddin from S1 Communication Science, and Rakha Ammad Thoriq S1 Sociology with Lini anisfatus sholihah, as supervisor.
PKM Program -RSH is supported by Belmawa Kemendikbudristek RI, which provides opportunities for students to be involved in research outside the classroom and contribute to overcoming social and health problems in society.
Through this effort, the UNESA student team shows its commitment to improving public health and supporting research that can have a positive impact on society at large. The PKM-RSH team hopes that this research will not only be useful for those dealing with BED, but can also become a model for similar research in the future.[Ian/Red/Zam]
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