UNESA Independent Study MBKM Socialization Activities
Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA—The Subdirectorate of Student Exchange and Academic Mobility UNESA held a socialization of the Independent Study Independent Campus (MBKM) program on Friday, July 5 2024. online. Students from the 'Home of Champions' campus attended the socialization delivered by the Head of the Independent Studies section, Dwi Anggorowati Rahayu, S.Si., M.Si.
She explained that the Independent Study MBKM which was held was aimed at developing abilities students in a project activity that is initiated independently, their products can later be entered into national or international competitions that are relevant to their knowledge. The project can be in the form of technology or social engineering, the work of which can be carried out independently or in collaboration with students from other study programs.
Independent Study is divided into two schemes, namely the Kemendikbudristek flagship independent study and independent study which is independent. There are several requirements for students who will take part in independent studies, including, 1) active students in undergraduate (S1) and vocational (D4) programs at Surabaya State University, 2) students who have taken a minimum of 80 credits, 3) active students in their third and fourth years for the undergraduate level (minimum 5 semesters) and the fourth year for the D4 level.
Furthermore, 4) students have not been declared to have passed the graduation judiciary and are not permitted to take part in the graduation judiciary during the implementation of the Independent Study program, 5) students are fully committed and not currently carrying out a thesis data collection program, 6) students have a minimum GPA in accordance with the prerequisites of each partner, 7) students have a commitment and are willing to carry out independent study activities with a duration of 1-2 semesters in accordance with the provisions of each partner.< /p>
Next 8) when accepted into an independent study program, students are required to complete a number of documents, including a scan of their student card; savings account book; letter of recommendation from the Academic, Student and Alumni leaders, 9) students who are declared to have passed the Independent Study program will receive the provisions for value conversion in accordance with the Chancellor's regulation number 18 of 2023.
The value conversion is equivalent to 20 credits in the course concerned provided by each study program or course package provided by the university.
Furthermore, the time for carrying out independent studies in the Ministry of Education and Culture's scheme is carried out for a minimum of 4 months in two periods, namely the February to August period and the September to January period. Meanwhile, the independent scheme is carried out according to the study program curriculum in odd or even semesters.
The mechanism for implementing independent studies consists of several stages, namely registration, selection, implementation, monitoring and evaluation, as well as reporting and assessment. At the registration stage, students are directed to form groups. One group contains 10 members from across study programs or departments, so that they can strengthen collaboration between friends across disciplines.
“After forming a group, they can plan the initial concept that will be created in an independent study proposal. Of course, making this proposal is different from ordinary courses, because later the project created will be competed.
Proposals that will be selected are then directed to the Field Supervisor (DPL) that is relevant to the project that the student will develop. After that, students can communicate with the study program collaboration team to get a list of partners with whom they can collaborate.
At the monitoring and evaluation stage, the MBKM team will continue to monitor the progress made by students every day by filling in logbooks. "At the end of the activities at the report and assessment stage, students can present their products in front of DPL and mentors or related partners," he explained.
Head of MBKM Sub-Directorate, Jacky, Sos., M.Sc., revealed that the study program is actually Independent is the last option that students can choose. Of the 5,800 MSIB registrants and 3,000 teaching campus registrants, independent independent study is the final choice for students.
The hope is that this independent independent study activity will develop projects that are out of the box, where the resulting product will be a work unique or phenomenal that has high value and can be included in competitions both on a national and international scale.
Reporter: Fionna Ayu Shabrina (FMIPA)/Muhammad Dian Purnama (FMIPA)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA Public Relations Team
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