Class atmosphere in the implementation of language monopoly media which is a leadership project of UNESA Pre-Service PPG students.
Unesa. AC ID. SURABAYA—UNESA Professional Teacher Education (PPG) students once again recorded achievements by successfully holding the 2023 Batch 2 Pre-Service PPG Leadership Project. This activity took place at SMPN 22 Surabaya and was attended by around 32 students.
The event began with remarks from the 2023 Batch 2 Pre-Service PK PPG Group Coordinator, represented by Fitri Sandra Ariyanto. "With this language monopoly, we hope to improve students' literacy skills and knowledge through game media," said Fitri Sandra in her speech.
Fitri Sandra emphasized the importance of literacy and knowledge for students, and hopes that this project can become a valuable provision for teachers to be more creative and professional.
The teacher at SMPN 22 Surabaya, Farid Faruq, also expressed his appreciation for this project. "This leadership project is clear evidence of the creativity of future professional teacher candidates, where students are given the opportunity to learn and work, both independently and in groups, by applying their knowledge," said Farid.
With the success of the event At this time, students are expected to continue to develop their leadership potential and become agents of change in society. This leadership project is not only a learning material, but also a form of UNESA's commitment to producing teacher candidates with integrity and high quality.
Reporter: Fitri Alfiana, and Dewanda Puspita ( Internship)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA PPG Team
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