Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA - A number of students from Okayama University, Japan, carried out practical learning in Natural Sciences (IPA) and Japanese language learning at SMP Labschool Unesa 3 on Wednesday, November 15 2023 .
They are Chihiro Kameyama, Yusuke Okochi, and Manato Ichii. The three of them were present among 8th grade junior high school students in a series of Asian Teacher Education for Climate Change Education (ATECCE) activities.
The three of them brought different topics, namely material about (1) global warming, (2) ) natural ecosystems, (3) volcanic eruptions. The topics raised are certainly in line with the three of them who come from the natural sciences department. The students who watched the presentations from the three were very enthusiastic and interactive.

The students present became even more enthusiastic when they had the opportunity to learn and speak Japanese while being witnessed directly by native speakers. Even though many of them stammered, with enthusiasm and laughter they tried to introduce themselves and discuss using Japanese. The students do this to hone their Japanese language skills which they have been studying so far.
The Principal of Labschool Unesa 3 Middle School, Dian Hijrah Saputra, S.Pd., M.M., said that having a program like this would help development school to go international. Because according to him, by gaining learning experience from abroad about how the teaching process is in Japan and then bringing it here, this will help teachers at Labschool Middle School to come up with more new innovations and creativity as references in teaching and learning activities.

In line with the above, the Director of UNESA Labschool, Prof. Dr. Sujarwanto, M.Pd., hopes that the international activities being held will be able to boost Labschool's status towards becoming an international school. Especially in terms of foreign languages, students must be able to master one of them, whether it's Japanese, Mandarin, English or German.
"Activities like this will trigger children to continue to be enthusiastic about honing their skills. foreign language," he said.
Reporter: Rachmaddani Rizki Saputra
Photo: UNESA Labshcool Team
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