National Level UNESA State Administration LKTI Judging SURABAYA—Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (Fisipol) Surabaya State University (UNESA) is holding FISIP Week, one of the series of activities is the 2024 National Student Scientific Writing Competition (LKTI). This event will be held online on Tuesday, 23 July 2024.
With the theme "The Strategic Role of Education and Technology in Realizing the SDGs and a Golden Indonesia," this activity was organized by the Public Administration Science Undergraduate Study Program.
The Dean of Fisipol, Wiwik Sri Utami, emphasized the importance One of these activities is to train students to produce quality scientific writing.
"Meanwhile for the institution, this activity supports IKU's achievements, it also provides valuable experience to students, especially in pursuing the target of a Golden Indonesia 2045," he said.
According to the woman with a doctorate, to pursuing the target of a golden Indonesia in 2045, students will be leaders when Indonesia is golden.
"Take maximum advantage of academic activities and other experiences that are really needed for today and tomorrow," he advised the participants. finalist.
The Coordinator of the Bachelor of State Administration Science Study Program, Eva Hany Fanida, said that the aim of this activity was to attract students who are competent in writing scientific papers.
"We hope to stimulate IKU's achievements, especially in writing scientific papers and student competitions. We hope that research and scientific work in the future will come from today's competition participants," he said.
The chief executive, Nadiasel Ogsala, welcomed all LKTIAN finalists who had gone through a series of competitions. Those who made it into the finalists were participants who successfully passed the previously held competition stages. "Congratulations and encouragement to scientific colleagues who have struggled to achieve the best," he said.
Today is the highlight of the event with the agenda of finalist presentations and awarding. A total of 10 finalists selected from 61 applicant teams from 15 universities presented their scientific work. The 10 minute presentation was followed by a question and answer session with the jury.
The work of the 10 finalists will be recorded in the form of an anthology which can be accessed openly via the State Administration Study Program website. The winners of this competition are as follows:
1st place: Siti Puput Nurhidayah (Gajah Mada University)
2nd place: Muhammad Raja Adrafi (Caltex Riau Polytechnic)
3rd Place: Deni Yuda Fatria (Surabaya State University)
Best Paper: Aina Nur Rohmatin (Surabaya State University)
Best Presenter: Dicki Suandi Permana (UIN Walisongo Semarang)
The LKTIAN jury consists of lecturers from the Communication Science Study Program, namely, Puspita Sari Sukardani; Esa Putra Bayu Gusti Gineung Patridina History Education study program; and lecturer in Political Science, Silkania Swarizona.
Additionally, finalists came from various universities such as Yogyakarta State University, Caltex Riau Polytechnic, Teuku Umar University, UIN Walisongo Semarang, Surabaya State University, Gadjah Mada University, Sebelas Maret University, IAIN Kediri.[]
Reporter: Sindy Riska Fadillah (Fisipol)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA PR Team
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