Character creation formula in children's prose stories SURABAYA—Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program (PBSI), Surabaya State University (UNESA) held a guest lecture with the theme "Current Studies on Language, Literature and Learning" at Auditorium T14, Faculty of Languages and Arts (FBS) Campus 2 Lidah Wetan, Surabaya on Monday, May 27 2024.
The guest lecture opened by UNESA Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program Coordinator, Anas Ahmadi, presented Indonesian Language and Literature Education lecturer at the Islamic University of Malang (Unisma), Ari Ambarwati.
In front of around a hundred UNESA student participants, Ari Ambarwati explained several ways that can be used to create characters in children's prose.
He said that character is the nature or physical characteristics of a character that is explored as a clue or medium to create conflict.
Characters in stories are not always humans who are always used as characters in stories and novels.
"Characters are not always human, they can be animals or surrounding objects that can be developed as ideas for creating paths and frameworks for children's prose stories," he said.
Ari Ambarwati emphasized that character concepts in children's prose stories can be created using character concept maps and by getting used to reading stories.
"We can create characters for children's prose stories by using character concept maps, first create a map of the physical characteristics of the main character and supporting characters, then create conflict from the character traits," he said.
“Have you read 10,000 hours of stories before writing? If not, read first before writing. "How many characters in the story do you remember in detail and are you able to write them into characters for your new story? If you are successful, start writing now," he said again. []
Author: Dian Nur Cahyani (Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program Student)
Editor: @zam*
Documentation: Dian Nur CahyaniShare It On: