UNESA Deputy Chancellor IV for Planning, Development, Cooperation and Information and Communication Technology received an award for his commitment and dedication to advancing education in the City of Heroes.
Unesa. AC ID. SURABAYA—The contribution and important role of Surabaya State University (UNESA) education experts in the development of Integrative Holistic Early Childhood Education (PAUD) in the city of Surabaya was awarded at the peak of the 731st Anniversary of the City of Surabaya some time ago.
The 'Home of Champions' campus education expert in question is Martadi, as Deputy Chancellor IV for Planning, Development, Cooperation and Information and Communication Technology at UNESA.
"This award is a form of appreciation for what I have done and am currently doing in encouraging the development of education in the City of Surabaya, since becoming Chair of the Education Council and now having the mandate as Head of Child Care and Welfare, City PAUD Mother Working Group Surabaya," he explained on Friday, August 2 2024.
The doctor of arts expressed his thanks to the Mayor of Surabaya and the ranks of the Surabaya City Government who care and are aware of educators or teachers .
For him, this award is a motivation to continue to make the best contribution in strengthening the education sector in the city of Surabaya. "Even though I am a lecturer, I am still a teacher and still managing education," he said.
Martadi's service through his important role as a practitioner, education actor, and education council in the City of Heroes began in 2012. Until now, he remains devoted to education in the City of Surabaya, especially education at an early age.
According to him, early childhood education is one of the most important foundations that lays the foundation for educational development in the next stage.
It is hoped that this award will be an inspiration for educators, teachers and other PAUD administrators to continue to be committed to providing the best education for the nation's next generation.
"We hope this can inspire, not for us but inspire teachers, teachers, young lecturers to do more than me because I believe they have more potential, have more energy," he hoped . [*]
Reporter: Putri Ayu Fatmawati (Internship)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: Tim UNESA Public Relations
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