Unesa.ac.id., SURABAYA-Surabaya State University (UNESA) made a new breakthrough by collaborating with English league club, Tranmere Rovers. The form of this cooperation, the two coaches at the club; Dan O'Donnell and Matt Hunter were present at UNESA.
One of the things they did was attend the launch of the UNESA FC ACADEMY at the Football Field, UNESA Lidah Wetan Campus, Surabaya on Sunday, August 27 2023.
Besides that, they also immediately gave training on the basics of playing soccer to the soccer participants who attended the soccer festival. In fact, they also train coaches in coaching clinic sessions.
Previously, at the rectorate, they also discussed many things about sports with UNESA leaders. Chancellor Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes., conveyed that the UNESA collaboration with Tranmere Rovers aims to form young seeds who are able to exercise in various professions. . All of this needs to be strengthened starting from the curriculum, sports facilities, field training, research, to transferring players to England," he said. Meanwhile, Tranmere Rovers coach Dan O'Donnell said that currently many players a sport that only focuses on improving physical, psychological and game tactics alike, without paying attention to the social side, even though good social skills can build themselves anywhere.
In line with that, Matt Hunter, said that Tranmere has sports science which is supported by The Liverpool of University and has advanced tools and the latest methods that can be used by students, lecturers, and athletes.
The visit of Tranmere Rovers was not only welcomed by UNESA officials, in Festivals and Their Football Coaching Clinic was warmly welcomed by around 145 participants consisting of 120 participants aged 7-14 years, 25 soccer coaches consisting of Physical Education, Sports and Health (PJOK) teachers and students in the Surabaya area.
< p>In addition, they discussed the joint curriculum (UNESA FC Academy with Tranmere Rovers) which contains the achievements of soccer training for the next 6 months. "The targets to be achieved are build attack, create attack, finish attack, high press, mid block, low block, restart, review," said Rizky, UNESA FC Academy trainer. The conference which was attended by Prof. Dr. Bambang Purwanto, Dr., M.Kes., Prof. Dr. Ali Maksum, S.Pd., M.Sc., Mark Palios Executive Chairman Of Tranmere Rovers. [*]***
Author: Lukman
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Documentation of Public Relations Team
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