Pennee Narot, an expert from Khon Kaen University Thailand conveyed strategies for improving qualitative research and mixed method research in the field of disabilities.
Unesa.ac.id. , SURABAYA–Surabaya State University (UNESA) through the Disability Innovation Center (DIC) held a Workshop on Qualitative Data Analysis for Researchers of Disability Innovation Center in Room 901, 9th Floor of the UNESA Rectorate Building, Campus 2 Lidah Wetan, on Thursday, 31 October 2024.< /p>
Head of the Disability Innovation Center (DIC), Budiyanto said that this activity aims to increase the competency of DIC researchers from various departments in the field of qualitative analysis for disabilities.
Dozens of participants who took part in this activity are researchers DIC from various departments and Special Education (PLB) lecturers. The disability professor revealed that the majority of research carried out by UNESA is dominated by quantitative research.
For this reason, this activity, which presents resource person Pennee Narot from Khon Kaen University, Thailand, is expected to guide UNESA lecturers and researchers to enrich their research. qualitative, especially related to disability issues.

This workshop was attended by researchers in the field of disability and other related fields around UNESA.
Pennee started the session by explaining the importance Qualitative methods in understanding complex data, such as studies of parenting children with disabilities.
According to him, qualitative methods are able to provide a more in-depth analysis because they explore the reasons behind a phenomenon. He also emphasized the importance of content and thematic analysis to explore individual perceptions through the approach of "who says what to whom, and with what effect."
He explained the main differences between qualitative and quantitative methods from the aspect of their focus. Quantitative methods rely on numerical data, while qualitative methods provide an in-depth understanding of an issue.
Furthermore, Pennee explained that content analysis includes two main strategies, namely coding systematization and categorization, to identify trends or patterns in data.
"In this process, data is classified into small categories called “codes,” which are analyzed for frequency to obtain specific results. This coding approach allows researchers to discover new findings that are relevant to the public," he explained.

It is hoped that with this training, UNESA researchers can produce research that can encourage strengthening innovation in the disability sector.
Pennee also explains four general approaches which is often used in qualitative research, namely, narrative explores the story of one individual and phenomenology explores the experiences of many individuals.
In addition, grounded theory studies phenomena experienced by many individuals, while case studies make in-depth observations in cases
"Sometimes when researching, paying attention to field notes or the environment during observations is important. There may be information that cannot be revealed through interviews alone," he explained.
Apart from that , he reminded that disability education is not only aimed at people with disabilities, but also for people around them who need understanding and support in dealing with their special needs.
At the end of the session, Pennee emphasized the importance of a mix-method approach in research, because according to him this combination of methods provides a more comprehensive basis for explaining study results. He hopes that what is conveyed can be useful for future research.[*]
Reporters: Fatimah Najmus Shofa (FBS), and Sindy Riska Fadillah (Fisipol)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA PR Team
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