East Java MUI Education Commission and LPPM UNESA discuss cooperation.
Unesa. AC ID. SURABAYA—Monday 29 July 2024 is a happy day for the Education Commission of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) East Java, because it was able to carry out joint activities with the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) Surabaya State University (UNESA) smoothly and successfully.
This collaborative activity with LPPM UNESA has been implemented starting in 2023 targeting academic people (lecturers, school teachers, madrasa teachers and students) as well as the general public offline.
During the pandemic , the activity program is carried out online regularly every month. For collaborative activities between the East Java MUI Education Commission and the UNESA LPPM in 2024 entitled Short Course on Ulema and Indonesianism for Islamic Religious Counselors throughout East Java.
Chair of the East Java MUI Education Commission and also Head of UNESA LPPM Prof. Dr. H. Muhammad Turhan Yani, M.A., CIRR, who was one of the speakers, explained that the Islamic and Indonesian short course activity for Islamic Religious Counselors was important because they have an important and noble task, namely educating the public in the practice of Islamic teachings in an Indonesian context.
With the role of religious instructors carried out optimally, it is hoped that a society that is devoutly religious and at the same time good citizens will be formed.
The next resource person is the Deputy Chairperson of the East Java MUI, Prof.Dr.KH. Halim Soebahar, M.A, who is also a professor at UIN Jember, said that regarding the strategic role of the MUI in providing solutions to people's problems through the fatwas produced, it can be used as a reference for Islamic religious instructors.
Meanwhile, the next speaker, Dr. Nur Kholis, M.HI secretary of the East Java MUI Education Commission who is also a lecturer at Trunojoyo Madura University (UTM) conveyed the importance of regulations to regulate people's problems to minimize differences that often occur such as determining the start of Ramadan, Shawwal, and so on.
This short course activity was attended by around 50 Islamic Religious Counselors throughout East Java and was attended by the management of the East Java MUI Education Commission who were academics from various educational institutions in East Java.[*]***
Author: UNESA LPPM Team
Photo: UNESA LPPM Team
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