UNESA leadership and the Ministry of Social Affairs discuss evaluation of disability training collaboration.
Unesa. ac.id, SURABAYA--The Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) is collaborating with the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) to conduct an inclusive, holistic and integrative evaluation of disability management training for Social Welfare Human Resources on Sunday, July 28 2024 at the Lidah Wetan Campus 2 Rectorate Building.< /p>
The Chancellor of UNESA, Nurhasan, stated that as a campus that has excellence in the field of disabilities, UNESA continues to fully support disability empowerment programs in Indonesia. Especially programs that focus on increasing the competence of people with disabilities.
According to the UNESA sports science professor, this program is really prioritized in order to realize the progress of increasingly qualified human resources with disabilities. Accompanied by support and encouragement from the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos), there is great hope that the handling of disabilities can be carried out by the system.
"Hopefully human resources with disabilities can color Indonesia Gold 2045," said the man who is familiarly called Cak Hasan.
The Chancellor of UNESA together with the Ministry of Social Affairs team emphasized a number of important training objectives as an effort to empower and independence groups with disabilities in various regions.
Welcome In this activity, the special staff of the Minister of Social Affairs for Communication and Mass Media, Don Rosano Sigit, explained that there are three main points that must be considered in this program. First, focus on inclusive, holistic and integrative themes in detail and clearly through a series of activities carried out.
Second, implementation of activities carried out at the Center for Social Rehabilitation of Persons with Physical Disabilities (BBRSPDF) or Integrated Center "Prof. Dr. Soeharso" Surakarta must really be a project. Then finally, from the activities that have been carried out, the implementer must be able to make the participants more independent in every way.
He further said that the most important thing in dealing with disabilities is to make them independent in every aspect, whether economically, educationally, and others. Within the Ministry of Social Affairs, the orientation is to create independent disabled people, so that there are disabled people who become baristas, farmers, call centers, and so on.
From this program he hopes that UNESA as the implementer will be able to convince friends disabled to not worry about their disability. "We must be able to open the dream box for friends with disabilities to realize their dreams," he said.
Head of the UNESA Disability IT Product Development Section, Budiyanto, in his presentation, said that the implementation of this program had two objectives. In general, this is to increase the quantity and quality of services in handling people with disabilities at integrated centers.
Meanwhile, there are 3 specific objectives, namely improving the quality of management in handling people with disabilities. Then increase the competency of human resources in integrated centers (social workers, professionals and practitioners) in handling people with disabilities.
"And finally, improve the skills of administrative staff in the process of handling people with disabilities," said the UNESA disability professor.
In connection with the above activity, a lecturer from the Faculty of Education (FIP) who is part of the implementing team, Ima Kurrotun Ainin, in her material conveyed the training evaluation "Holistic, Integrative, Inclusive Handling of Disability Training for Instructors".
More specifically, this activity is designed to increase understanding of the diversity, characteristics and needs of disabilities, including understanding the variety and problems of individuals with disabilities from an inclusive, holistic and integrative perspective skills in designing, implementing and evaluating programs for handling people with disabilities that are inclusive, holistic and integrative.
"The collaboration between the Ministry of Social Affairs and UNESA in organizing this activity is expected to provide a significant positive impact on improving the welfare of people with disabilities in Indonesia," he concluded (*)
Reporter: Putra (FBS)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA PR Team
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