UNESA Medical Faculty Building located at Campus 2 Lidah Wetan, Surabaya
Unesa.ac.id. SURABAYA—The Faculty of Medicine, Surabaya State University (FK UNESA) has developed into one of the leading FKs in East Java and continues to respond to various challenges. The high need for human resources in the medical field requires FK UNESA to open new study programs that can be selected on the independent route in 2024.
In the socialization entitled UNESA Virtual Campus Expo (UVCE) last Wednesday, 12 June 2024, the Dean of FK, Dr. Dr. Endang Sri Wahjuni, M.Kes., explained the number of undergraduate (S-1) study programs at FK UNESA as follows:
01. Undergraduate Medicine Study Program
The Bachelor of Medicine Study Program is the first study program to accompany the establishment of FK UNESA which accepted new students on the independent route last year. This year, the study program has accepted students on the SNBP, SNBT route, and is currently opening registration for the independent route.
This study program not only produces doctors who have medical and professional competence in handling and resolving medical problems like doctors in general, but also has competency content in the field of sports medicine. This is one of the characteristics that distinguishes UNESA Medicine from other campuses.
02. Undergraduate Physiotherapy Study Program
During its journey, FK UNESA opened new study programs, one of which is the Undergraduate Physiotherapy Study Program which has already carried out field visits and assessments LAM-PTKes (Indonesian Independent Accreditation Institute for Higher Health Education ) some time ago. The establishment of this study program received a founding decree from LAM-PTKes and the Chancellor of UNESA.
UNESA is the first state university (PTN) in East Java to open the UNESA Physiotherapy Bachelor's Study Program. The distinctive feature of this study program at UNESA is that it contains performance sports physiotherapy, recreational sports physiotherapy, and disability physiotherapy which is an added value for students.
03. Bachelor of Nursing Study Program
The new study program opened by FK UNESA this year is Bachelor of Nursing which has also been visited and field assessed and received a decree on establishment from LAM-PTKes and the Chancellor's Decree. This study program is supported by complete and modern facilities and infrastructure, as well as competent and professional teaching staff.
This new study program has a vision to produce nursing graduates who are competent, tough, adaptive and innovative based on science and technology and entrepreneurship with sports nursing excellence in the areas of promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative health.
04. Undergraduate Midwifery Study Program
FK UNESA's Undergraduate Midwifery Study Program has a vision to produce midwives who are competent and professional in carrying out their midwifery duties.
In addition to midwifery competencies in general, UNESA Midwifery also provides competency content on Physical Exercise for maternal, child and female reproductive health. This is what characterizes FK UNESA Midwifery from those on other campuses.
Training and Lectures
dr. Febrita Ardianingsih, M.Sc., Deputy Dean I for Learning, Research and Community Service, Student Affairs and Alumni, added that lectures at FK are like in general, namely face-to-face learning, practicums, and there is the opportunity to go out into the field.
Apart from that, there are also different learning systems such as the Bachelor of Medicine which applies a block system learning. This means that each course is completed in stages and continuously within a period of six weeks of study.
Supported by adequate and modern facilities and infrastructure, UNESA Medical Faculty (FK) students study medical knowledge and competencies in general plus competency content in the field of sports.
Students have the opportunity to focus on studying and deepening one subject within a certain period of time, then move on to the next subject.
"So one course does not last from the beginning to the end of the semester, but is studied in a block system which can be completed within six weeks of lectures," he explained.
Deputy Dean II for Planning, Finance, General Resources, Cooperation and ICT, dr. Nur Shanti Retno Pembayun, M.Or, added that the study programs at FK UNESA are supported by various modern facilities and infrastructure.
Each study program has a laboratory on campus which is supported by laboratories outside the campus such as in a number of large hospitals in Surabaya to Magetan which collaborate with UNESA.
"There are around 12 laboratories at UNESA, there are Anatomy Lab, Anatomical Pathology, Clinical Pathology, Parasitology, Physiology, Microbiology, Biochemistry, Histology, Medical Clinical Sciences and Skills, Public and Community Health and Bioethics Lab and Health Humanities," he said.
For PTN fighters who are interested in entering FK UNESA, you can visit the page https:// fk.unesa.ac.id/ regarding further information about the Faculty of Medicine, and https://admisi.unesa.ac. id/ regarding registration information.[]
Reporter: Mocammad Ja'far Sodiq (FIP)
Editor: @zam *
Photo: UNESA PR Team Documentation
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