The leadership of LPPM UNESA together with the Director General of PDM, Ministry of Education and Culture, Surabaya City Government, and a number of representatives of other universities and partners.
SURABAYA— Surabaya State University (UNESA) through the Literacy Center, Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) participates as a development partner for PDM-10 of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) in the Learning Recovery Program.
This was marked by the signing of the Cooperation Agreement (PKS) for Development Partner Support for Learning Recovery, at the Platinum Hotel, Surabaya on Tuesday, July 2 2024.
The partners who signed the PKS include Mutiara Rindang, Litara Foundation, Indonesian Kinesiology Foundation, Aqil Learning Room, and Provisi Mandiri Pratama. For higher education institutions, considering that they are still part of the Ministry of Education and Culture, the collaboration document is not in the form of a PKS.
The form is a letter requesting support for the Ministry of Education and Research and Technology's program and a reply approving the request for collaboration or a commitment to support in the learning recovery program from higher education institutions.
Apart from UNESA, there are also Malang State University (UM), Muhammadiyah Gresik University (UMG), Nusantara PGRI University or UNP Kediri, Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM), Sebelas Maret University (UNS), Yogyakarta State University (UNY) , and Sriwijaya University (Unsri).
The learning recovery program through strengthening literacy and numeracy launched by the Ministry of Education and Culture to improve the quality of education, especially improving the basic literacy and numeracy competencies of students at various levels of education.
According to the Director General of Early Childhood Education, Basic Education and Secondary Education (Dirjen PDM), Iwan Syahril, the learning recovery program through strengthening literacy and numeracy is not an instant program, but needs to be carried out continuously with a continuous approach to the education ecosystem."This is done so that all parties understand that improving students' literacy and numeracy competencies is the main key to achieving quality education," he said.
Preschool Mother City of Surabaya, Rini Indriyani in her speech delivered a general overview of what the Surabaya City government is doing in the Learning Recovery Program.
Starting with a general overview of PAUD and SD (3,242 institutions, 15,295 teachers, 7,366 students), Mother PAUD City Surabaya describes its various programs and supporting activities very clearly.
Currently, the human literacy development index or IPLM for Surabaya City is 84.28, which is high, the level of interest in reading among the people of Surabaya is also at 73.90, which is also high.
The programs and activities carried out in Surabaya are varied and targeted appropriately. This is supported by high commitment so that the budget for various programs and activities increases from year to year.
Nevertheless, Surabaya still has homework for schools that still have K-1 and K-2 education report cards (SD there are 53; there are 7 junior high schools, 1 high school). K-1 in the school report is red, or far below the minimum competency. K-2 with yellow or below minimum competency.
This year UNESA is carrying out training for all junior high school teachers throughout Surabaya, not just at the seven target junior high schools. This will even be followed up with training for MGMP. In the future, these seven schools (SMP) will receive special attention and additional training.
Head of LPPM UNESA Prof. Dr. H. Muhammad Turhan Yani, M.A, and Head of the LPPM Literacy Center, Prof. Dr. Kisyani Laksono, M.Hum was present at this activity. It is hoped that this partnership will be supported by other empowered partners and the community so that activities can take place on an ongoing basis to accelerate the improvement of students' literacy and numeracy competencies.[]
Writer and documentation: team UNESA LPPM Literacy Center
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