UNESA students take part in the Anti-Sexual Violence Activist Student Camp.
Unesa. AC ID. SURABAYA—In order to accelerate the prevention of sexual violence in the campus environment, UNESA held a Student Camp for Anti-Sexual Violence Activists at the New Start Hotel, Trawas, Mojokerto, on 14-15 June 2024. This activity was attended by 33 new cadres and 13 mentors and 4 resource persons. .
Director of Prevention and Management of Strategic Issues (PPIS) UNESA, Prof. Dr. Mutimmatul Faidah, M.Ag, in his speech assured the participants that the thirty-three (33) new cadres are humanitarian fighters, because they stand by the victims' side and will fight to carry out various creative and innovative activities that can effectively reach Generation Z in the context of accelerating prevention. .
Iman Pasu Purba, Head of Sub-Directorate for Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence, in his speech motivated the participants to become strong volunteers. "We are grateful that UNESA, in this case, the leadership has excellent political will and is fully committed to handling cases of sexual violence at UNESA. "Through this camp, it is hoped that the presence of new cadres will have an optimal impact in realizing UNESA Zero sexual violence," he said.
The activity has the theme "Building Powerful Volunteers: Excellent Action for Zero Sexual Violence ” This is packaged in the form of lectures, group sharing with mentors, games, reflection and group performance. Study topics include understanding sexual violence and legal regulations in Indonesia, assisting victims, healthy toxic-free relationships, personal branding, social media savvy and devotion for sexual violence.
Resources for this activity were the Director of PPIS and Head of Sub-Directorate of PPKS, Head of the Prevention and Intervention Session, Nanda Audia Vrisaba., S.Psi., M.Psi and Putri Aisyiyah Rachma Dewi, S, Sos. M. Med. Kom. Putri Aisyiyah, in particular, will strengthen new cadres related to healthy, toxic-free relationships and smart social media.
One of the direct follow-ups to this activity is the launch of a Student Activity Unit (UKM) related to anti-violence at UNESA. In the future, accelerated prevention activities at UNESA, especially among students, will be effective and productive through the existence of this UKM.[]
Author: Anti-Sexual Violence Student Camp Team
Photo: Anti-Sexual Violence Student Camp Team
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