Coordinator of the UNESA PJKR FIKK Undergraduate Study Program with three exchange students from Unnes.
Unesa.ac.id. SURABAYA—Education, Physical, Health and Recreation Study Program (PJKR), Faculty of Sports and Health Sciences (FIKK), Surabaya State University (UNESA) accepts students from the Independent Learning Campus (MBKM) program from various other universities.
Most recently, the UNESA PJKR Study Program had three PJKR students from Semarang State University (Unnes) who underwent an exchange program or Sport Student Exchange for four months, starting on 26 August to 8 December 2024.
This program is a valuable opportunity for three PJKR Unnes students consisting of Dian Eka Wulandari, Muhamad Almaas Atha Hilal, and Muhamad Yuliyanto.
Dian Eka Wulandari said that this opportunity was a means of broadening their horizons, strengthen experience, and enrich students' academic portfolios.
While at FIKK UNESA, they study various fields and are directly involved in a number of academic and non-academic activities which include, tennis, basics of education, archery, games minor, sports psychology, sepak takraw, learning theory, fitness and spa therapy, hockey, and handball.
Apart from that, they are also actively involved in various UKM (Student Activity Unit) activities, and social activities such as taking part in a series of UNESA anniversary activities, the XIth Konaspi to Haornas.

Dian Eka Wulandari, Muhamad Almaas Atha Hilal, and Muhamad Yuliyanto on the UNESA hockey field.
"What we feel through various learning activities at PJKR UNESA is that we gain a lot of experience, our soft skills are increasingly honed and they are relevant to the world of work," he said.
Apart from that, they can also experience the atmosphere of studying in a different academic environment, expand their network of friends, and improve their adaptability and social interactions.
"During our exchange program at UNESA, we felt very lucky to be able to study at very conducive environment. "The lecturers are very competent and provide good guidance," he said.
He and his friends admitted that they enjoyed various activities both in class and outside of class such as Dies Natalis and Konaspi XI. Through this program, they not only gain academic knowledge, but also valuable experience in interacting with people from various backgrounds.
They hope that this student exchange program can be expanded and involve more students from various universities at home and abroad.
p>UNESA's PJKR Undergraduate Study Program Coordinator, Mochamad Ridwan said that the sports student exchange program between Unnes and UNESA is a form of MBKM implementation initiated by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology.
Through this program, both universities are committed to continuing to improve the quality of higher education in Indonesia. It is hoped that this program can be an inspiration for other students to continue to develop themselves and achieve higher achievements.[*]
Author: Unnes Student Exchange Team
Editor: @zam*
Photo: Unnes Student Exchange Team Doc
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