Illustrations of children's health conditions are in the hands of parents (photo: PublicDomaiPictures/pixabay).
Unesa., SURABAYA—Recently, there has been an increase in cases of kidney failure in children which requires them to undergo regular dialysis at a number of hospitals. One of them is at RSUD Dr. Soetomo Surabaya, where it is estimated that around 20 children undergo dialysis every day.
This has become the concern of Dr. Rahmantio Adi, Sp.PD, lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine (FK) Surabaya State University (UNESA). According to him, one of the main causes of kidney failure in children is an unhealthy lifestyle.
He noted that there were significant differences between the lifestyles of children in the past and today which contributed to the increase in the number of children undergoing dialysis. In the past, people tended to be more active and their diet was simpler.
"Mineral water consumption was also more adequate, because there was no trend for colored drinks in packaging like there is now," he said.
Many children drink colored drinks, which can interfere with the absorption of important nutrients and cause kidney deficiencies. Consuming drinks containing artificial coloring can affect kidney function."This condition can also trigger metabolic disorders, such as diabetes that is not treated properly. "The result is an autoimmune disorder, where the immune system attacks healthy organs including the kidneys," he explained.
Treatment and Risks
Lecturer and specialist in internal medicine it also explains that the decision to start dialysis therapy in a child is based on several medical considerations. An expert doctor will evaluate laboratory results, especially urea and creatinine levels that exceed normal limits, as well as the patient's medical history.
Symptoms that often indicate the need for dialysis therapy include nausea and vomiting, pain in the left or right side of the stomach, bloody urine, as well as pain and fussiness when urinating.
"Children who often experience headaches, pale skin, infrequent urination with more concentrated urine, and swelling on the face, hands or feet, also has the potential to require further medical attention," he added.
An option other than dialysis is a kidney transplant, which, although in Indonesia, is still relatively little done. According to him, there is a very high risk of rejection by the body because the kidney organ used comes from a donor.
"There is no truly ideal treatment method, and each has its own challenges. Therefore, prevention and "a healthy lifestyle remains the best choice to avoid kidney problems," he added.
Prevention; Starting from Parents
There are several tips for preventing kidney problems in children, and the role of parents is very crucial in this matter. First, parents should limit giving pocket money to children.
Second, get children used to consuming healthy food or drinks. Third, don't comply with the requests of children who want random snacks outside. It is recommended that parents make or prepare healthy snacks or snacks for their children, apart from being used at home, it can also be used as food for them at school or when they are outside the home (in addition to staple food).
Furthermore, it is important to maintain the pattern healthy eating and lifestyle. The Surabaya-born lecturer also appealed to parents to ensure that their children consume nutritious food and sufficient mineral water.
Apart from that, there needs to be encouragement for children to exercise diligently, starting from the parents' habits. This also includes lazy habits caused by excessive use of smartphones and tablet PCs.
"In this digital era, gadgets make children spend more time sitting and move less, so it is important for parents to encourage physical activity and managing screen time," he concluded.
By implementing these tips, parents can help their children develop healthy living habits that support kidney health and prevent the risk of kidney failure in the future.[]< /p>
Reporter: Mohammad Dian Purnama (FMIPA)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: PublicDomaiPictures/ pixabay
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