Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA—Directorate General of Teachers and Education Personnel (Ditjen GTK), Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek ) opened the selection of prospective students for the 2024 Pre-Service Teacher Professional Education (PPG) program starting April 4-May 15 2024.
Head of the UNESA PPG Center, Drs. Fatkur Rohman Kafrawi, M.Pd., said that there are a number of universities implementing the PPG program in various provinces, one of which is Surabaya State University from year to year which has a positive trend both in terms of interest, achievement and innovation.
In the 2024 Pre-Service PPG, he continued, UNESA offers around 27 superior study programs. So, for the best men and women in various regions who want to register as prospective UNESA PPG students, you need to pay attention to the terms and conditions as follows:
- Indonesian citizens (WNI);
- Not registered as a teacher/principal in the Basic Education Data (Dapodik);
- A maximum of 32 (thirty-two) years of age on December 31 of the year of registration;
- Have a bachelor's academic qualification ( S-1) or fourth diploma (D-IV) registered in the Higher Education Data Base (PD-Dikti) or recorded in the Foreign Diploma Equivalency Unit data base for overseas university graduates;
- Have a cumulative achievement index (GPA) of at least 3.00 (three point zero zero);
- Have a certificate of physical and mental health (submitted when reporting);
- Have a letter certificate of good behavior (submitted at the time of self-report);
- Have a certificate of being free from narcotics, psychotropics and other addictive substances
(drugs) (submitted at the time of self-report); < li>Sign an integrity pact; and - Following the selection stages, namely administrative selection, substantive tests and interview tests.
UNESA PPG Secretary Dr. Julianto, S.Pd., M.Pd., added that the selection of prospective 2024 PPG Pre-Service students consists of several stages. First, administrative selection to select files and administrative requirements which are carried out online via the Sustainable Professional Development Management Information System (SIMPKB) application.
Second, substantive tests, including field mastery tests and basic literacy and ability tests numeration which is carried out offline at the designated Competency Test Center (TUK).
Technical implementation of the test using the Computer Assisted Test National Assessment Computer-Based (CAT ANBK) application.
Third, interview test to explore the professional and personal competencies of prospective students, which is carried out online or online through virtual meeting media/platforms.
Fourth, the selection stages are sequential so that if they are declared not to have passed one of the stages, they will not can proceed to the next stage. "For further information regarding registration for the selection of prospective PPG Pre-service students, you can visit the page, https://ppg.kemdikbud.go.id.
The list of study programs that can be selected for the 'Home of Champions' campus PPG program is as follows:
- PGSD (Primary School Teacher Education)
- Science (Natural Sciences)
- IPS (Social Sciences)
- Economic Education
- Biology Education
- Early Childhood Education Teacher Education< /li>
- Special Education
- Chinese Language Education
- Japanese Education
- Guidance Counseling
- Geography
- Social Worker
- Mathematics Education
- History Education
- PPKn (Pancasila and Citizenship Education)
- Arts and Culture
- Sociology Education
- Electronics Engineering
- Javanese
- Indonesian
- Business and Marketing
- PJOK (Physical Education, Sports and Health)
- Culinary
- Electrical Engineering
- Construction and Property
- Fishing Shipping Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering. [*]
Reporter: Saputra
Editor: @zam*
Further related information Pre-Service PPG 2024: ppg.kemdikbud.go.id
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