A new study program opened by Surabaya State University this year and can be selected for the 2024 Independent pathway.
Unesa. AC ID. SURABAYA—Registration for the Mandiri State University of Surabaya (UNESA) SPMB route for the TMUBK (Computer Based UNESA Entrance Test) Wave II category is still open until July 23 2024. There are a number of new study programs which of course have great opportunities for applicants to enter PTN.
The new study programs are medical and non-medical. First, new non-medical study programs, namely Bachelor of International Relations (HI), Bachelor of Regional and City Planning, Bachelor of Actuarial, Bachelor of Massage, and D-4 of Automotive Engineering Technology.
Secondly, the new medical study program consists of; Bachelor's Degree in Nursing, Bachelor's Degree in Midwifery, and Bachelor's Degree in Physiotherapy. "All of these study programs can be selected from the SPMB Mandiri UNESA pathway which is still open for registration," said Sukarmin, Head of Sub-Directorate for UNESA Student Admissions and Graduation.
Sukarmin added, this second wave of TMUBK pathway is the final admission pathway for 2024 opened by UNESA. This route applies selection based on the results of a computer-based written test.
Registration for this route can be done on the page pmb.unesa.ac.id/. Meanwhile, other information regarding the Mandiri pathway can be seen on the Admissions page, admisi.unesa.ac.id/.
While In preparation for registering, participants need to know what aspects are tested in TMUBK. There are two materials tested, namely, the scholastic potential test and literacy. The test is carried out at the UNESA Computer Lab.
For participants who are interested in joining UNESA through this route, you need to pay close attention to the terms and conditions as follows:
- Indonesian citizens
- Physically healthy and spirituality
- Graduates from SMA/MA/SMK/Package C or equivalent in 2022, 2023 or 2024. For 2024 graduates, this is proven by a diploma or graduation certificate.
- Participants who choose the study program- Sports and arts study programs upload portfolio documents as one of the graduation components. [UNESA PR Team]
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