Activities to strengthen national insight and defend the country for UNESA Pre-Service PPG participants involve elements of the TNI.
Unesa. AC ID. SURABAYA, 10 August 2024—In an effort to strengthen national identity and build strong character for the younger generation, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) is integrating national insight and national defense into the Pre-Service Professional Teacher Education (PPG) curriculum.
This initiative aims to produce future teachers who are not only competent in the academic field, but also have Pancasila character and a strong spirit of patriotism. The Director General of Teachers and Education Personnel (GTK), Anwar Sunaryo, explained that this step is part of the national strategy to improve the quality of education and strengthen national character.
"The integration of national insight and national defense in the Pre-Service PPG curriculum is "efforts to ensure that prospective teachers are not only academically prepared, but also have a strong commitment to the values of Pancasila and the national spirit," said Anwar at the launch of the program.
The Pre-Service PPG Curriculum now includes subjects specifically focusing on national history, understanding Pancasila, and the obligation to defend the country. Prospective teachers are given intensive training on how to apply these values in their teaching, so that they can form students' characters who love their country and have responsibilities as Indonesian citizens.
Program implementation This involves various parties, including academics, educational practitioners, and community leaders. They are involved in preparing modules and developing teaching methods that are relevant to the current context.
This program also receives full support from various related institutions, which consider that this integration is very important in facing the challenges of globalization and ever-growing social dynamics.
One of the Pre-Service PPG participants, Shinta Pramudya Kusuma Wardani from the 2023 Pre-Service PPG Gel 2 PGSD Study Program, admitted that he felt the benefits of this program. "As a prospective teacher, I feel proud and motivated to apply Pancasila values and national insight in the learning process. This is an important provision for us to educate students into a generation with strong character and ready to face future challenges," he said.
On the other hand, the Head of the UNESA Teacher Professional Education Agency (BPPG), Fatkur Rohman Kafrawi, welcomed this integration and hoped that its implementation could be effective throughout Indonesia. "With this integration, we can ensure that the values of Pancasila will continue to live and develop among the younger generation through the hands of dedicated teachers," he said.
In the future, the Head of BPPG UNESA will continue monitor and evaluate the implementation of this program to ensure that the expected goals can be achieved optimally. By equipping prospective teachers with national insight and defending the country, it is hoped that they can become role models for their students and help build a stronger and more united nation.[*]
Author: UNESA BPPG Team
Photo: : UNESA BPPG Team
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