Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA–The signing of the integrity pact for participants who passed the golden ticket for Surabaya State University (UNESA) and impersonate Cak Hasan marked the closing of the Ramadan Carnival in the Rectorate Yard of Campus 2 Lidah Wetan. This series of Dies Natalis activities has been held since March 22 and ends on Thursday, March 28 2024, evening.
UNESA Chancellor Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes., or Cak Hasan said that the golden ticket is part of an independent pathway prepared for regional sons and daughters who have the best achievements at national and international levels.
This pathway will be open from the beginning of March 2024 In the first wave, there were almost a thousand participants who won golden ticket seats. After a gradual selection, 15 participants were declared to have passed the golden ticket to enter the first batch of UNESA.
"We see that many of our younger siblings who graduated from high school and the equivalent have good achievements. Not all of them get the opportunity to participate "SNBP. Therefore, we initiated this route to open up wide opportunities for them to be able to study," said Cak Hasan.
Cak Hasan together with the Deputy Chancellor for Field 1, Director of Student Affairs and Alumni, and Dean of FIKK at the Peak Night of Ramadan Carnival
Vice Chancellor for Academic, Student and Alumni Affairs, Prof. Dr. Madlazim, M.Sc., said that participants who passed the golden ticket were selected participants who were selected (administration and interview) based on their best achievements.
Golden ticket winners, he continued, received a number of reliefs such as merit scholarships in general, namely free institutional development contribution or SPI, free single tuition or UKT for eight semesters.
"As one of the conditions, golden ticket participants must be committed to studying and developing their achievements in college. Therefore "We are inviting the participants and their parents to sign tonight as a form of their commitment and sincerity. Later, those who pass will be evaluated every semester," stressed the FMIPA professor.
Mutiara Cantik Harsanto, one of the successful participants golden ticket expressed its infinite gratitude to all levels of leadership for opening up the opportunity to study at UNESA through this route. She is committed to making the best use of the opportunity to study.
Mutiara Cantik Harsanto and other golden ticket winners read the integrity pact and conveyed messages in front of the leadership and hundreds of Ramadan visitors Carnival.
"I "I am grateful for the opportunity that UNESA has given me to develop and excel. I will continue to strive to be a role model for other students and maintain the university's good name and integrity in every step I take," said the national athlete who won 2 gold medals and 4 silver medals in the ASEAN Para Games. 2023.
Apart from signing the golden ticket, the closing of the Ramadan Carnival was also marked by a sprinkling of creativity-based activities, competitions, exhibitions, music, fashion shows, and the long-awaited impersonation of Cak Hasan.
< p>Impersonate Cak Hasan is a competition to imitate the typical character inherent in the Chancellor of UNESA, from his dressing style, speaking style to Cak Hasan's walking style. This competition was not only attended by students, but also lecturers.Apart from being witnessed directly by Cak Hasan and assessed (jury) by his wife, who is the chairman of the UNESA Dharma Wanita Association (DWP), along with the board of directors, the UNESA dean. When the competition started, one by one the participants showed their resemblance to Cak Hasan.
The winner of the Impersonate competition Cak Hasan poses with the Deputy Chancellor for Field 1, Chair of the UNESA DWP, and the Director of Student and Alumni Affairs
Each Each participant appeared with different shoes (different colors), jeans, jacket and a typical Cak Hasan hat. Apart from that, he also imitated the style of taking photos by folding his arms in front of his chest, clenching his hands into fists and taking one step forward (holding up his index finger symbolizing the number 1).
The participants' efforts on stage invited admiration and laughter from hundreds of people at once. keep your eyes on them. Of the many participants, the best three were declared winners and received prizes which were handed over directly by the Chancellor's wife, Endah Purnomowati Nurhasan, M.Pd.
Prof. Madlazim, Deputy Chancellor for Division 1, and Director of Student and Alumni Affairs, Dr. Muhamad Sholeh, S.Pd., M.Pd., and Academic Director Prof. Dr. Fida Rachmadiarti, M.Pd.
This activity was attended by the chancellor and his wife along with all the ranks of the vice-chancellor, deans, deputy deans, sub-directorate directors, lecturers and students around the 'Home of Champions' campus as well as the surrounding community. This activity not only educates and entertains campus residents, but also local residents. []
Reporter: Nelly (FIP)
Editor: @zam (FIP)
Photo: Team Documentation Public Relations
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