Unesa.ac. id, SURABAYA—Faculty of Language and Arts (FBS) Surabaya State University (UNESA) held Halalbihalal Idul Fitri 1445 H with the theme "Strengthening the Ties of the Large Family, Faculty of Language and Arts, Surabaya State University" on Friday, April 19 2024 in the courtyard of the T2 FBS Building, UNESA Lidah Wetan Campus.
The Dean of FBS, Syafi'ul Anam, Ph.D., in his speech said that this activity was the right momentum to strengthen relationships between lecturers, staff and staff within the faculty. He hopes that the existing synergy can increase and be able to create a good and conducive academic process in the campus environment.
On that occasion, the Deputy Chancellor for Planning, Development, Cooperation, Information and Communication Technology, Dr. Martadi, M.Sn., said that halalbihalal is an appropriate activity to carry out after Eid.
Forgive each other for intentional or unintentional mistakes or mistakes. The reason is, nowadays technological sophistication can reduce the sacredness of the moment of forgiveness.
"For example, we can send a message saying "minal aidzin wa faidzin, apologize physically and mentally" via just an image on social media . This is indeed practical. However, it would be better if these words were conveyed in person. "The benefit is that we can strengthen the relationship between work partners," he said.
Lecturer at UINSA's Islamic Family Law (Ahwal Syakhsiyah) study program, Dr. H. Muhammad Ghufron, Lc., M.H.I., provides tausiyah about Eid al-Fitr which means rushing towards goodness. In Islamic religious terminology, there are passive and active benefits.
Passive benefits include not disturbing people, while active benefits include not disturbing or disturbing other people. Meanwhile, active benefits are not just about doing good or not disturbing other people, but also accompanied by kindness by giving gifts.
In halalbihalal activities, giving door prizes at the end of the event is appropriate. It has imitated what Islam taught in the past.
In its history, halalbihalal was first initiated by Ir. Soekarno hopes that after Eid, the Indonesian people can come together to stay in touch with each other to strengthen unity and integrity.
"In social life, if we get closer to other people, there will definitely be times when opinions clash. This can trigger debate or division. "If these things arise, immediately apologize and apologize," he explained. This activity was attended by all levels of the FBS extended family; leaders, lecturers, staff and students. []
Reporter: Fionna Ayu Shabrina (FMIPA)/Rafa Afifa Maharani (Fisipol)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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