Unesa.ac.id – Around 60 teachers at SMPN 45 Surabaya took part in technical guidance (Bimtek) regarding strategies for assisting acts of violence which was held on the 9th floor of the UNESA Rectorate Building Auditorium on Wednesday, 10 July 2024.
Bimtek which was held together with the Directorate of Prevention and UNESA's Strategic Issues Management (PPIS) carries the theme New Paradigm Learning Transformation and Strengthening Students with Non-Violent Character.
Present as a resource person, Prof. Dr. Mutimmatul Faidah., M.Ag, (Director of PPIS) who delivered a presentation on Over view New Paradigm of Learning and Non-Violence, Iman Pasu Purba., S.H M.H (Head of the Subdirectorate for Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence) who explained material on Prevention and Handling of Violence in Schools.
Apart from that, Wiryo Mulyana, M.Pd, who delivered material on Differentiated Learning and Nanda Audia Vrisaba, M.Psi, Psychologist who explained the material Mentoring Strategies.
In his presentation regarding mentoring strategies, Nanda said that violence against children has four impacts. First, the physical impact in the form of wounds, bruises, bruises, broken bones, disability and pain and even death. Second, psychological or mental impacts in the form of mental disorders, feelings of inferiority, humiliation, decline, feelings of fear.
"Third, social impacts in the form of problems dealing with relationships with other people, isolation, and feeling ostracized. And, the fourth is the economic impact in the form of costs for recovering one's condition to material losses when extorted," he explained.
Bimtek participants held problem solving discussions in an effort to find strategies for assisting cases- cases of violence
Nanda explained that for victims of violence, assistance is very necessary. Because, this assistance aims to provide the right response to help the victim, stabilize the victim's emotional condition and empower them, connect the victim to the appropriate party to help him. "And, it's more about first aid so that the victim's condition doesn't get worse," he explained.
Nanda further stated that there are at least five things that are the principles of assistance. First, regarding the safety of the victim, the response given must prioritize the physical, psychological and welfare condition of the victim. Second, the victim's consent. Everything that is done must be based on the consent of the victim. "We need to respect the rights, dignity and personal hopes of victims," he explained.
Third, the principle of non-discrimination. This means that one victim cannot be differentiated from another. All victims must be provided with the same services. Fourth, confidentiality. This is necessary to ensure the confidentiality of the reports obtained, so that only interested parties can and have the right to know.
“And, fifthly, know your own limits. "When providing assistance, it is necessary to understand and be aware of one's limitations, to what extent can assistance be given to the victim's condition," explained the UNESA psychology lecturer.
Principal of SMPN 45 Reny Indaryati, M.Pd explained, the aim of this activity was to provide provisions for the teachers of SMPN 45 Surabaya to understand basic knowledge about children's character, so that later the school can implement this strengthening at school.
Reny further said that SMPN 45 students mostly come from economic and educational conditions Parents are not yet tall, so that certainly has an influence on the child's character. Therefore, it is necessary to provide strengthening character education in schools so that they can feel comfortable going to school and have good character.
"The training aims to provide strengthening to teachers, so that if they encounter violence or anything else they can take follow-up action. to assist in mentoring according to their age," explained Reny.
Head of SMPN 45 Reny Indaryati, M.Pd closely followed the Bimtek activities in the 9th Floor Auditorium of the Campus 2 Rectorate Building Unesa Tongue Wetan.
As head school, Reny also hopes that the knowledge that has been obtained through this technical guidance can be implemented by students at school, so that student character will be formed. Even when you graduate, you can continue to maintain it as a provision for further education, and when you enter society later.
Meanwhile, one of the Bimtek participants, Julaikah, M.Pd, said that he really appreciated and was interested in taking part in this activity. From this activity, he can find out about what acts are categorized as violence along with examples of cases of violence.
"This activity is certainly very useful because it can support our learning in class later. We will know more about how facing and assisting if there are cases of physical or psychological violence that occur at school," he explained.
Apart from that, Julaikah was also happy because the presentation of the material was also clear, simple and easy to understand presentation of the material, but also being invited to discuss, interact, and do problem solving "We learned a lot, and hopefully we can apply it to the students later," he explained.
On the spot Separately, SMPN 45 partner from CV Pelita Cahaya Abadi, Susanti, admitted that she was proud of the implementation of this technical guidance activity. She hopes that with the implementation of this technical guidance, teachers will become more open to various changes in learning paradigms.
"Hopefully with this technical guidance, teachers will become more understanding, and the hope is that they can reduce the number of violence in schools," stressed the woman who also a UNESA alumnus. @sir
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