Lecturers and Master's students in Educational Technology with teachers at SLB Kemala Bhayangkari 2 Gresik after training.
Unesa. ac.id, GRESIK — Educational Technology Master's Study Program, Faculty of Education (FIP) Surabaya State University (UNESA) is holding training aimed at improving the IT competency of educators at the Kemala Bhayangkari 2 Gresik Special School (SLB) at the end of May 2024 ago.
This training is part of the educational integration efforts carried out by the UNESA Educational Technology Master's Study Program with a focus on the use of Canva applications and interactive videos along with Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology.
This activity was also attended by the Chair of the Gresik Branch of the Kemala Bhayangkari Foundation, who was represented by the Chair of Social Affairs, Helmy Nur Amin. Apart from that, Dr. Fajar Arianto, M.Pd., lecturer and teacher of the Performance Technology and Training Management course at the UNESA Educational Technology Master's Study Program, was also present to provide material.
"It has become a demand and now everything is heading in a digital direction, "So learning is expected to make it easier for teachers and students, who will then be able to adjust to each student's learning speed," said Fajar Arianto in his speech.
The training has the theme "Media Interactive Training: Using Canva Applications and Interactive Videos to "Improving Educators' IT Competence" aims to improve teachers' abilities in utilizing digital learning media, especially using the Edpuzzle platform.
Participants are given understanding and skills in creating interesting and interactive learning content, so as to increase the effectiveness of the learning process teaching.
This IT training focuses on utilizing the Canva application to produce interactive videos for learning.
Through training Today, UNESA's Master of Educational Technology shows its commitment to supporting the career development of teachers at SLB Kemala Bhayangkari 2 Gresik. As a sign of appreciation, the participants were given a PMM (Quality Support Program) certificate, which is proof of competence and is expected to increase their professionalism.
The training went very well, the teachers looked enthusiastic and active in every session. They feel they have gained a lot of new knowledge that can be directly applied in class.
"This training is very useful, it will be very useful for me personally in creating learning media for my students because new platforms like Edpuzzle make learning more interactive because you can add quizzes to it," said one participant.
With this training, it is hoped that teachers will be more adaptive in facing technological developments in the world of education, and be able to implement more effective and interactive digital learning in their classes. This activity is also a positive step in efforts to improve the quality of education at SLB Kemala Bhayangkari 2 Gresik.
This activity reflects the spirit of collaboration between educational institutions and the community in creating an inclusive and innovative learning environment.
With full support from the Master of Educational Technology, Surabaya State University and the Kemala Bhayangkari Foundation, teachers can continue to develop their skills and prepare the younger generation to face the challenges of an increasingly digital future.[]
Author: team of Masters of Educational Technology students
Editor: @zam*
Photo: documentation of a team of Masters of Educational Technology students
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