UNESA PGSD Study Program PKM Team with trainee teachers in Trenggalek
Unesa.ac.id. SURABAYA–-The increasing number of challenges in the world of education requires continuous improvement of teacher competency. This requires the role of various parties, including universities. On this basis, a team of lecturers from the Primary School Teacher Education Study Program (PGSD) Faculty of Education (FIP) UNESA held training which was attended by teachers in Trenggalek Regency, on Saturday, July 27 2024.
The training provided was namely related to ethnopedagogy-based learning design through reflection of the local culture of Trenggalek Regency. PKM Chair, Ivo Yuliana said, the aim of this training is to increase teacher competence in integrating local culture into the student learning process at school.
In this way, it is hoped that students can better understand and appreciate the various local wisdoms that exist in their environment . This can also increase their motivation and learning outcomes. "Ethnopedagogy is an approach that utilizes local wisdom as a learning resource," he said.
"We want to help teachers to be able to develop teaching materials that are relevant to local Trenggalek culture, so that learning becomes more contextual and meaningful for students, " added Ivo Yuliana.
This training involved a number of lecturers consisting of Neni Mariana, Nadia Lutfi Choirunnisa, and Ari Metalin Ika Puspita. They provided materials and invited training participants to explore various aspects of local Trenggalek culture.
"Art, traditions and regional languages are used as much as possible in designing learning modules by considering related cultural elements," he said.
This activity received a good response from the participants. As Sutiyah expressed, for example, that this training was very useful for them, the teachers, because it gave them new insight into the use of local culture in learning. "I am sure that students will be more interested and enthusiastic in learning if the material taught is close to their daily lives," he said.
It is hoped that, through activities like this, synergy between universities and society can continue to be established, as well as UNESA's real contribution in advancing education in the regions can be realized.[]
Author: PGSD Study Program PKM Team/Dewanda Puspita (Internship)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: PGSD Study Program PKM Team
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