Unesa.ac.id. SURABAYA—In the current era, digital transformation is an inevitable process in various aspects of life. Digital transformation can be defined as the beginning of creating new, more effective and efficient ways to replace old processes of doing things by utilizing existing technology. Digital transformation in the educational context can be both an opportunity and a challenge for higher education providers.
Realizing the importance of digital transformation in the world of higher education, Surabaya State University (UNESA) shows its commitment by participating in Times Higher Education (THE) Digital activities Universities Asia 2024. This activity is an annual activity organized by THE in collaboration with universities in Asia.
This year the activity was held in Nusa Dua Bali on 1-3 July 2024 with the theme "Inclusive Education for the Digital Gap” (https://www.timeshighered-events.com/digital-universities-asia-2024).
The annual holding of THE Digital Universities Asia brings together higher education leaders, industry and policymakers engaged in academic and technological innovation to reinvent institutions that are more accessible and inclusive than ever before using the latest digital tools and technologies.
Through discussions, case studies and interactive workshops, this event shows how the higher education sector in Asia can harness the power of AI and technological innovation to create an inclusive and empowering environment for learning and exchange knowledge.
Four hundred participants from 25 countries attended THE Digital Universities Asia 2024. Keynote and invited speakers from educational institutions and industry that support digital transformation in the world of education in various parts of the world also participated in sharing information on the activity this.
THE Digital Event Universities Asia 2024 was opened by the Director General of Higher Education, Research and Technology (Diktiristek), Prof. Dr. rer nat Abdul Haris. In his opening speech, he said that the successful implementation of digitalization in higher education is not just a matter of technology but requires the involvement of human resources.
“Technological thinking that ignores humanism can make the thinking process has become neglected, so that in implementing digitalization in higher education, humans must be innovators, not just users," he said.
This statement is in line with the commitment of the Chancellor of UNESA, Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M. Kes. which supports the acceleration of the transformation of higher education through strengthening the superior quality of human resources, global collaboration in research, publications and education, as well as increasing learning and teaching innovation.
UNESA Director of Innovation, Rankings and Scientific Publications, Prof. Nadi Suprapto, Ph.D. who was one of the delegates to this activity also stated that through participation in this activity he could open new insights regarding the application of new technologies in the world of education in a responsible and ethical manner.[]
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Author and Photo: UNESA Directorate of Innovation, Ranking and Scientific Publication team
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