The leadership of the Unesa labschool institution and school leaders provide reinforcement and direction in providing the UNESA Labschool Sister School program.
Unesa., SURABAYA–UNESA Labschool continues to strengthen its position and recognition at the international level through various breakthrough programs that are intensively carried out. One of the UNESA Labschool international programs is the school system in Malaysia and Thailand which has entered its second generation.
The second generation of the school system program was attended by 13 students with details of 10 junior high school students and 3 UNESA Labschool high school students. They are accompanied by a number of teachers and will depart from July 3 to July 9 2024.
The group of departing students took part in briefings at the Auditorium on the 11th floor of the Rectorate, Campus 2 Lidah Wetan, on Friday, June 21 2024. Parents students also accompany their children in this activity.
Director of the Labschool Institute, Prof. Sujarwanto, M.Pd., in his briefing said, in this program, Labschool students and teachers have a benchmarking agenda with various schools, such as Hatyaiwittayakarn School, Hat Yai Somboonkulkanlaya School, Warraphat School.
< img alt="Director of the UNESA labschool institution, Prof. Dr. Sujarwanto, M.Pd. gave direction and the importance of this program for both students and the labschool." src="/images/foto-21-06-2024-04-35-25-7924.png" style="height:533px; width:800px" />
Next, will visit Thaksin University, then stop by Songkhla Oldtown, one of the popular tourist destinations in Thailand. Also, they will explore the Hatyai floating market in the 'White Elephant Country'.
The FIP professor added that the sister school program in Malaysia and Thailand is the second UNESA Labschool activity. This program is an exchange of students and teachers in order to establish cooperation in the field of education at the international level.
This program is one way to get to an international standard school so that it can compete globally.
"Hopefully there will be more collaboration in various countries with UNESA Labschool, so that the quality of educational services can be improved and the quality of student and teacher resources in schools," he hoped.
There are differences between the first and the previous sister school programs this second time, namely located at the location of the school visited. The first batch had more activities in Thailand, while the second batch had more activities in Malaysia.
Arriving in Malaysia, the group of UNESA Labschool students visited Chewy Jetyy, an old town in the neighboring country. Apart from that, they also carried out English Camp activities in Bukit Bintang and closed by visiting Georgetown Old Town Road.
One of the parents of a UNESA labschool student also provided reinforcement regarding the plans and activities being carried out their children do in Malaysia and Thailand.
Wilona, one of the Labschool Middle School students who took part in the sister school program, felt happy and proud of this program.
"I tried to prepare my health and logistics so that my first departure abroad could run smoothly, " he said.
In line with this, Eri Yudha Laksana, one of the parents of students who take part in the sister school program, stated that this program is very useful for increasing their children's experience, insight and English language skills.
"The English learned in class can be applied when they visit these two countries.
Hopefully, when my children return home, their insight into nature, culture and languages of other countries will be wider. Hopefully, the students will be able to compete with students from other countries," he hoped. []
Reporter: Mochammad Ja'far Sodiq (FIP) and Zakariya Putra Soekarno (FISIPOL)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA PR Team Documentation
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