Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA–Prodi Student Association (HMP), Mechanical Engineering Education, Faculty UNESA Engineering (FT) inaugurated the UNESA Automotive and Production Business Unit (BOPONESA), on Friday, April 5 2024. This inauguration was held at the Motorcycle Lab, Building A8 FT, UNESA Campus 1 Ketintang, Surabaya.
Motorcycle workshop BOPONESA is a business unit under the auspices of the FT Mechanical Engineering Education Bachelor's study program which collaborates with several external partners.
The Dean of FT, Dr. Maspiyah, M.Kes., said that FT already has several other business units, such as BOGANESA, a beauty salon, fashion, and now has added a BOPONESA motorbike repair shop.
He revealed that this business unit is a forum for Education students Mechanical Engineering to practice and start a business.
“This workshop is also a place for students to practice. "We have confirmed that there will be customers, hopefully the students who practice will be able to maintain the quality and professionalism of Boponesa," he said.
Mechanical Engineering Education Study Program Coordinator, Wahyu Dwi Kurniawan, S.Pd., M.Pd., explained that the process The development of BOPONESA has been implemented since November 2023 and is carried out in collaboration with several partners.
Revelation explains that there are 3 partners who collaborating with UNESA Mechanical Engineering Education in order to create this business unit, namely PT FUBORU Indonesia, CEPSA, and BTN.
"Hopefully there will be more synergy between UNESA FT Mechanical Engineering Education and external partners. "So that this workshop can become a pioneer in the automotive sector and will increase further in the production and welding sector, as well as increasing the KPI of the study program," he said.
PT FUBORU, he continued, collaborates by supplying automotive spare parts that focus on on motorized vehicles. Then CEPSA with oil products, and BTN related to transaction needs and payment media.
Chairman of the FT Mechanical Engineering Education HMP, Andre Saputra, explained that BOPONESA will be fully managed by Mechanical Engineering Education students from all generations, both alumni as well as active students.
“The association fully supports this business unit, we will hold several events such as free services and other activities that all UNESA students can take part in.
All services will be carried out by students, as well as being a place to learn about entrepreneurship and can be used as a provision after graduating," he said.
Andre explained what services are provided by the Boponesa motorbike repair shop, which consists of light servicing, tune ups, oil changes, battery replacement, injector cleaner and vehicle consultation.
He explained that information regarding services can be seen on Instagram @hmpptm_ftunesa or directly visit the BOPONESA motorbike repair shop in Building A8 FT UNESA. This inauguration was attended by partners, sponsors, deputy deans, student affairs advisors, lecturers and students from FT UNESA.[]
Reporter: Erza Angelia Putri (Fisipol)
Editor: @zam* (FIP)
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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