UNESA students took part in a national talk show, a collaboration between FKPT East Java and UNESA through the Mawal Directorate.
Unesa. AC ID. SURABAYA—The East Java Terrorism Prevention Coordination Forum (FKPT) through the Youth and Education sector together with the Directorate of Student and Alumni Affairs (Ditmawal) of Surabaya State University (UNESA) held a series of activities, one of which was a National Talkshow at the 'House of Champions' campus on Wednesday, August 28 2024.
The National Talkshow with the theme "The Role of Gen-Z in Preventing Radicalism and Terrorism in Higher Education" was attended by resource persons from BNPT Major General TNI Roedy Widodo as Deputy for Prevention, Protection and Deradicalization, and Listiyono Santoso, Deputy Dean I of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Airlangga University.
On that occasion, Major General TNI Roedy Widodo introduced 7 priority programs for 2024 which are contained in the National Action Plan for Preventing and Combating Violent-Based Extremism that Leads to Terrorism (RAN PE) according to Presidential Decree No. 7 of 2021.
The programs in question include programs for the protection of women, children and teenagers, programs for the formation of prepared villages, programs for the formation of peaceful schools, and programs for the formation of campuses, as well as other evaluative work programs.
"This program is based on a comprehensive or all-reaching approach in order to strengthen the synergy of all elements in strengthening efforts to prevent or overcome extremism and radicalism which can threaten the integrity of the nation and state," he said.
BNPT has carried out its duties, principals and functions to the maximum in overcoming terrorism which is rooted in intolerance. "The results of the BNPT research show that of the four indicators, namely Tolerance, Passive Intolerance, Active Intolerance and Exposed Intolerance, the tolerance indicator still accounts for 70 percent," he explained.
This figure represents Indonesia's status which is still relatively safe from the threat of terrorism. However, it has been recorded that since 2023, the pattern of terrorist attacks has been recognized as transitioning to cyberspace, in contrast to previous attacks which were more armed.
Listiyono Santoso said that the easy and fast dissemination of information, supported by many applications, has made social media a generation Young people, including Gen-Z, are very vulnerable to being exposed to radicalism.
"If our children use gadgets too much, they can find information or shows that little by little influence the way they think and act," he said.
He emphasized that the way social media algorithms work can also exacerbate this vulnerability. “How to absorb information is the problem, because critical thinking abilities are starting to weaken. "When there is information, you immediately believe it, even though the source is not clear," he added.
Therefore, he invites young people, including Gen-Z to always be alert and critical of various information regarding ideas that can threatens the integrity of society and the integrity of the nation-state. "We have to tell and share things like this with friends, so that they are also alert and critical in selecting information," he said.
UNESA Vice Chancellor III conveyed several related things
In addition to talk shows , BNPT and UNESA also held a podcast at Studio Kece TV by UNESA which was hosted by Rane Hafied, a national podcaster. The speaker for session 1 from BNPT, Major General TNI Roedy Widodo as Deputy for prevention, protection and deradicalization.
Session 2 presented the Head of Sub-Directorate for Community Empowerment, BNPT, Colonel (Sus) Harianto, Chair of the East Java FKPT Hesti Armiwulan, and UNESA Deputy Chancellor for Division III Bambang Sigit Widodo who is also the Chair of Youth and Education at the East Java FKPT.< /p>
This series of activities ended with the Youth of Indonesia High School Student Band Festival throughout East Java. There were 9 bands that made it to the final stage performing from 30 high school band groups that registered.
The aim of this activity is to strengthen the sense of nationality through music, because the 2 songs sung are 1 national anthem and 1 regional anthem. The event ended with thanksgiving by cutting tumpeng because UNESA was named a national campus by BNPT.[]
Reporter: Joy Nathanael (Fisipol), and Saputra (FBS)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA PR Team
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