Mohammad Rofi when presenting the results of his thesis research in front of the examining lecturers. - Mochamad Rofi, undergraduate student in the Physics Education study program, wrote a unique thesis that has never existed before. He wrote a thesis entitled “Application of CPhysical Concepts in < /em>Ttechniques Bela Diri Pencak Silat to Mimprove Literations Iscientific Pparticipants Dhigh school students.”
The thesis written is somewhat different from the thesis generally in S1 Physics education which discusses physics concepts that can be studied in pencak silat techniques. "This research uses a mixed-method design which is carried out using interview, documentation and observation techniques," explained Mohammad Rofi after the session.
One of the informants involved in the thesis was Physics teacher who teaches at an international standard madrasah, physics lecturer and science lecturer as well as a former martial artist. It turns out that pencak silat can be used as a tool in learning physics.
The researcher explained several physics concepts, including measurement instrumentation, kinematics, dynamics, rotational dynamics, relative angular velocity, impulse momentum, moment of force and equilibrium. For example, in the stance technique, there is the concept of equilibrium. All forces have a value of 0, whereas in the kicking position the concept of equilibrium is not only the force which has a value of zero but also the moment of force which has a value of zero.
In the kick the concept analyzed is about dynamics, where the force on the leg influences the force produced on the fist. When taught to students, this learning has an effect on improving the scientific literacy skills of high school students.
Mochamad Rofi hopes that the research conducted will be useful so that readers use reasoning when looking at a phenomenon. The examiners appreciated the thesis because it was considered different from the others.
“I am grateful because I finished my thesis smoothly. "He expressed his gratitude to parents, lecturers, resource persons, relatives, friends, students and everyone who has helped a lot," said Mochamad Rofi.
The research attracted the attention of the examining lecturers consisting of Prof. Nadi Suprapto, S Pd, MPd, Ph D (chairman of the session), Utama Alan Deta, S Pd, M Si, and Dra Suliyanah, M Si.
The examiners appreciated Mochamad Rofi's research because the research was unique and This is the first time it has been used in a thesis.. @sir
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