Unesa.ac.id. SURABAYA - Faculty of Sports and Health Sciences (FIKK) SURABAYA STATE UNIVERSITY ( UNESA) holds ' PKM 2025 Socialization: Let's Work, Realize Your Brilline Ideas!' who took part in the Student Creativity Program (PKM) organized by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, and Technology (Kemendictorintek), as well as encouraging them to compete at the national level.
This event presented two speakers, Ali Imron, and Yetty Septiani Mustar (Kasubdit Interest, Talent, Competency, and Reasoning or MBKP which discusses the importance of innovation and collaboration in PKM and strategies so that the proposal can compete at the national level.
Ali Imron emphasizes that unesa provides full support for students in this event. "Institution (Unesa, red ) not only provides thinking space for collaboration but also space for achievement , "He said. He added that PKM at the faculty level must be able to solve real problems with applicative solutions.In addition to discussing the proposal submission strategy, this socialization also explains the PKM scheme which is divided into two main categories. The activity proposal includes PKM-research (PKM-R), PKM-Entrepreneurship (PKM-K), PKM-Pengabdian to the community (PKM-PM), PKM-Application of Science and Technology (PKM-PI).
In addition, there are PKM-Karsa Cipta (PKM-KC), PKM-Keilmuan and Innovative Work (PKM-KI), and PKM-Video Constructive Ideas (PKM-VGK). Meanwhile, the written proposal includes Written Futuristic PKM-Gagasan (PKM-GFT) and PKM-Scientific Articles (PKM-AI). , Ali Imron explained the strategy of submitting proposals/docks/private. " src = "/images/foto-08-02-2025-04-46-42-6986.png" style = "height: 598px; width: 800px"/>
Yetty Septiani Mustar in his exposure session Provide some tips so that the proposal has a greater chance of passing the selection. "The first thing to consider is the title. The title is like a gate, if it is not interesting and clear, then people will not be interested in reading it further, "he explained.
He also stressed the importance of strong background in the proposal. "A good proposal must have a clear basis. That is, there is data and facts that show that the problem raised is indeed important to be resolved, "he said.
In addition, he emphasized that scientific work in PKM must have a real impact on the community. "Do not just the theory, but there must be concrete benefits that can be felt," he added.
This socialization received high enthusiasm from students, especially for Bidikmisi scholarship recipients who were required to participate in this activity. Participants are invited to start designing creative ideas that are not only innovative, but can also make a real contribution.
With this socialization, it is hoped that FIKK Unesa students are increasingly ready to participate in PKM 2025, carve out achievements, and bring good names university in the national arena. [*]
Reporter: Zakariya Putra Soekarno (FISIPOL)
Editor: @zam*
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