Unesa.ac.id-SURABAYA—Human resources or HR plays an important role for the progress of an organization or institution. For this reason, various strategic steps have been taken by the campus with the slogan 'One Step Ahead' to strengthen human resources, one of which is through a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) in the 11th Floor Auditorium, Lidah Wetan Campus 2 Rectorate on Thursday, March 21 2024.
< p>In the activity entitled "Development of Human Resources (HR) in Welcoming Golden Indonesia 2025" the resource person, Dr. Sofwan Effendi, M.Ed., Director of Resources, Directorate General of Higher Education, Research and Technology.As moderator, Director of the Professional Education and Certification Institute (LPSP), Dr. Martadi, M.Sn., opened the FGD by emphasizing the important role of HR as the key to organizational progress. There are 4 factors determining the success of an institution, namely innovation as much as 45 percent, networking 25 percent, technology 20 percent, and capital 20 percent.
"Well, innovation, networking and technology include human resources, that's important, research in America alone shows that 65 percent of the key to education is in human resources. "As PTN-BH, UNESA must continue to carry out transformation, improve the quality of human resources and innovation," he said.
The entire leadership of UNESA takes a photo with the Director of Human Resources at Diktiristek in the FGD on PTN-BH HR BH
In the discussion session, Sofwan Effendi said that transformation is the lifeblood of higher education. This is what is also being pursued at the ministerial level through various programs and regulations produced so far.
He added, regarding lecturer governance in higher education in Indonesia, it cannot be separated from three factors of lecturer attachment to the ministry or government, and universities with ministries or government. So, the determinant of a lecturer's career is not the rector, but the Diktristek.
Because of this, institutionally at the Diktristek level we continue to make breakthroughs to strengthen the quality of human resources in higher education in Indonesia. Apart from that, it is also determined by universities through transformations carried out at the university level to faculties and even study programs.
"Regulation for universities is very important in ensuring that educational institutions can operate effectively, efficiently and responsibly and "Regulations help ensure that educational standards set by universities are in accordance with the ministry's national standards," he said.
These regulations consist of higher education system arrangements, institutional arrangements, human resource arrangements and lecturer arrangements. There are three dharmas for students. lecturers in higher education, namely teaching, research and service.
"Each study program can choose which dharma is more necessary for the study program, so that the number of lecturers can be increased according to the dharma required," he explained in The event was attended by the Board of Trustees (MWA), the chancellor and the ranks of deputy chancellors, directorates, deans and UNESA environment coordinators. [*]
Reporter: Lina Lubabatul Karimah (FBS)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: Documentation Public Relations Team
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