Unesa.ac.id , SURABAYA-Surabaya State University Directorate of Disabilities, Organizing Edufair 2023 with the theme "Inclusive Horizons: Bridging Abilities, Expanding Possibilities!" on Saturday, 18 November 2023 at the UNESA Rectorate Field, Surabaya.
The event showcases the best talents of students with disabilities and becomes a forum for interaction between various parties in the world of inclusion through various agendas such as the Launching of the Disability Sheltered Workshop and Training Center, Disability Got Talent, Indonesian Disabled MSME Bazaar, Fantasy Umbrella, Healthy Walk, and Blind Chess Competition.
This is in line with what was expressed by the Chair of the Committee, Diah Anggraeny, S.Pd. M.Pd, who said that this event was different from previous years. The main differentiator is that this year there are a number of collaborations with partner institutions. “This activity re-emphasizes that individuals with disabilities with various abilities are not only encouraged but also facilitated. There are 1500 children with disabilities from 80 schools, both special schools and inclusion schools. "With this activity, their talents were facilitated by taking part in Disability Got Talent, the Fantasy Umbrella Competition, and the first National Blind Chess Competition," he said.
This year, UNESA also opened a Disability Sheltered Workshop and Training Center which was also held. launching the activity. Dr. Wagino, M.Pd., UNESA Disability Director said that the Shelter Workshop is a sustainable innovation from UNESA aimed at people with disabilities and is located at UNESA Campus 4, Gedangan, Sidoarjo.
"The shelter workshop that we initiated is a "a training institution where not only students with disabilities from UNESA can also participate in other students with disabilities as well as being a place for UNESA PLB students to apply their knowledge," he said.
Prof. Dr. Budiyanto, M.Pd, professor in the field of disability, FIP UNESA, added that with the establishment of the Shelter Workshop institution, it will provide training from Dudi practitioners (business and industrial world) so that students with disabilities can also know what is in the field. "They can also get measurable competency certification, especially from the Surabaya Industrial Training Center, so that their abilities are truly measurable and recognized," he said. In the future, UNESA students can carry out internships and MBKM at the Shelter Workshop which will also support UNESA's IKU.
Meanwhile, Junaidi Budi Prihanto, S.KM., M.KM., Ph.D. UNESA's Deputy Chancellor for Research, Community Service, Innovation, Publications and Rankings hopes that this activity will become an exhibition for disability research, which will support UNESA in developing a Shelter Workshop on campus 4 Sidoarjo, so that it can provide skills for preparing people with disabilities who are ready for work. "There it is also hoped that it will produce products with selling value so that it becomes an educational ecosystem that collaborates with the business world, society, government and universities and becomes a model for disability education in higher education," he hoped.
In Edufair Disability 2023, an MoU was also signed together with a number of partners, starting from PT. Rafatex Indo Garment, PT. Kekean Primanda Indonesia, East Java Provincial Social Service, Surabaya Industrial Training Center, East Java Indonesian Shoe Association (Aprisindo), East Java Junior Chamber International (JCI), Wismilak Foundation, and Chairman of DPD Indonesia Maju.
Appreciation and Partners also expressed hope, such as the Chairman of Aprisindo East Java, Winyoto Gunawan, who said that he was committed to working with people with disabilities to create a more inclusive industrial work environment. Likewise, the President of Junior Chamber International (JCI) East Java, Herman Limbono, revealed that JCI continues to incorporate disability equality, one of which is by providing scholarships and encouraging the creation of awareness for people with disabilities.
Anestesya Ftaraya from Wismilak Foundation revealed that the collaboration that was established was a good initiative, especially the application of the pentahelix (society, academics, government, industry and media). "We hope that this activity will continue not just once but continuously, because here we learn that the spirit of inclusiveness is a journey in all walks of life," he said.
Chairman of the DPD Indonesia Maju East Java, Iis Hendro Gunawan said that UNESA is an institution that is very consistent in facilitating disabilities. This has been proven since he first took part in the Walk for Autism activity at UNESA in 2018 until now, this consistency has still been maintained.
From his own side, he also provides a Disability Career Contact which is a home for hundreds of entrepreneurs who are ready to place workers with disabilities. . "It turns out that many of them want to form an inclusive company, we from DPP Indonesia Maju, advise people with disabilities that disability is able never feel inferior because of anything because we are all together and can do it, let's support it together friends with disabilities," he concluded. (*)
Author: Muhammad Azhar Adi Mas'ud / Nelly Najwa
Editor: Rachmaddani Rizki Saputra
Photo: Public Relations Documentation Team
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