Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA–Dharma Wanita PBB (DWP) Surabaya State University (UNESA) holds a Ladies Program which was attended by mothers or wives of senior rectors who attended the Communication Forum for Senior Chancellors of Indonesian State Universities at the UNESA Rectorate, on Saturday, April 27 2024.
Chairman of the UNESA DWP, Hj. Endah Purnomowati Nurhasan, M.Pd., said that this activity aims to improve the relationship between the wives of senior higher education leaders.
“DWP UNESA held this program to strengthen friendship. "We gathered and at the same time toured MSME destinations in Sidoarjo to see original Sidoarjo products," he said.
The wife of the UNESA chancellor added that there were two destinations visited in this activity, namely Purnama Tanggulangin and Indah Tas Shops. Embroidery. This activity is in collaboration with the Sidoarjo Department of Industry and Trade, as well as to promote MSME products in Sidoarjo.
Chairman of the UNESA DWP with the wives of senior chancellors of PTNs throughout Indonesia in the Ladies Program
Ladies This time the program is packaged in the form of a tour of MSME products in Sidoarjo. The first destination visited was the Purnama Bag Shop, which is in Kludan Village, Tanggulangin District, Sidoarjo.
This bag shop, which is famous for its Valiant Leather brand, sells various leather-based crafts such as bags, jackets, shoes, sandals. , to orders for special leather products. Toko Purnama is special because all of their products are handmade by local residents.
“Toko Tas Purnama currently has its own factory. All products sold are handmade products made by local people. "The brand we sell is Valiant Leather," said Anin, one of Toko Tas Purnama's workers.
Toko Tas Purnama, continued Anin, has also sold its products overseas, such as Singapore and Malaysia. The price range sold in this shop starts from IDR 250,000 to millions of rupiah.
Then, the activity continued to the second and final destination, namely Toko Indah Embir, which is located on Jl. Yos Sudarso No. 3, Sidoarjo. On this occasion, the participants were invited to tour and see various kinds of clothing products, ranging from batik, kebaya, religious equipment, and others.[]
Reporter: Erza Angelia Putri (Fisipol)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: Public Relations team documentation
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