Unesa.ac.id. SURABAYA—Surabaya State University (UNESA) students who took part in the 2023 Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) program produced 1,302 works which were exhibited at the UNESA MBKM Festival at the Merdeka Belajar Laboratory, Lidah Wetan Campus II, on Saturday, February 3 2024. Number of MBKM products This is the largest in Indonesia, thus setting a MURI (Indonesian World Records Museum) record.
The MBKM achievements of the 'Home of Champions' campus received direct appreciation from the Director of Learning and Student Affairs (Belmawa) of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Prof. Dr. Ir Sri Suning Kusumawardani, S.T., M.T., who was present at the activity.
He said that what UNESA did and produced could be a motivation for lecturers, students and universities to continue to strengthen the management and implementation of MBKM both flagship (ministerial programs) and independent MBKM.

In the future, the party is encouraging more and more MBKM Mandiri. He also said that this year a pilot project internship program will be developed in Singapore which will continue to be developed with the design of international internship programs at international institutions such as UNESCO, the UN and so on.
“ UNESA has also developed the Independent Learning Laboratory, of course it is hoped that in the future this can become a model for other universities in developing quality and impactful Independent MBKM," said the Director of Belmawa.
Prof. Dr. Madlazim, M.Si., Deputy Chancellor for Academic, Student and Alumni Affairs said that the campus with the motto 'Growing with Character' is committed to continuing to maximize the implementation of central MBKM and innovate through independent MBKM managed by UNESA.

MBKM Mandiri not only provides students with the opportunity to study outside campus, but also familiarizes students with being able to be independent, make contributions and produce work. "The various products produced by these students are a manifestation of their seriousness, creativity, innovation and competence," he said.
Through the independent entrepreneurship program, UNESA also encourages the development of young entrepreneurs through various training and mentoring programs. "We are preparing capital. "In the future, we will work together with BTN and Bank Jatim to prepare a business capital scheme for students," said Prof. Madlazim.
Meanwhile, the Academic Director, Prof. Dr. Fida Rachmadiarti, M.Kes., said, apart from being registered at MURI, the campus MBKM program with the tagline 'One Step Ahead' also has a number of other achievements such as awards for independent MBKM and IKU-2 MBKM from the Ministry of Education and Culture in 2023.

The UNESA MBKM program this period was attended by thousands of students. The teaching assistance program was attended by 1,500 students, the outbound independent student exchange was attended by 400 students, the project in the village was attended by 150 students.
Furthermore, the internship program was attended by 1,200 students, research by 100 students, independent study by 550 students, independent entrepreneurship by 50 students, and Inbound independent student exchange as many as 61 students. They were officially released by the leadership at the festival.
Andre Purwandono, MURI representative, said that this MURI record was given to the most MBKM products and had gone through the assessment and verification stages. According to Andre, this program is able to support and improve human resources, especially in higher education.
“MURI provides awards to support the development of more innovative higher education. This MURI award is the umpteenth time UNESA has won this award. "Hopefully this will be a motivation and inspiration for all of us in building Indonesian human resources that are superior and more innovative," he hoped.
One of the MBKM participants, Maulidina, from the Bachelor of Visual Communication Design (DKV) Study Program, Faculty of Languages and UNESA Art, which carries out a Certified Independent Internship at Surya Citra Televisi (SCTV) displays the products of its internship work in the form of NPCs or design displays on the sides of the television screen.
He tells of his struggle to make an NPC because it requires timeliness and precision. the accuracy of several parts that must be made one by one. "Thank God, this work has been selected and assessed, then used by SCTV and has been broadcast. "The challenge I feel is punctuality because it has to match the broadcast time that has been determined," he said.
In addition, the MBKM festival consists of various series of activities, starting from the inauguration of MBKM ambassadors, the release of MBKM participants, breaking MURI records, and talk shows and discussions about the development and implementation of MBKM involving resource persons; Prof. Dr. Ir Sri Suning Kusumawardani, S.T., M.T; Dr. Andi Ilham Makhmud; Prof. Dr. Muhammad Firdaus, S.P., M.Si; and Dr. Nur Abdillah Siddiq, S.T.
With this festival, Head of UNESA MBKM Sub-Directorate, Dr. M. Jacky, S.Sos., M.Si., hopes that the entire UNESA academic community will be more enthusiastic about making breakthroughs and innovations in implementing MBKM which will have a positive impact on society. Apart from that, it also increases students' interest in strengthening their competencies both inside and outside campus and in the world of business and industry. []
Reporter: Muhammad Azhar Adi Mas'ud/Fionna Ayu Shabrina
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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