Left to right: resource persons Kholida Ulfi Mubaroka, S.Sos., M.Sosio., and Vinda Maya Setianingrum, S.Sos., M.A., with host, Tegar Trianto, AKS Ambassador
Unesa .ac.id., SURABAYA—Fear of missing out (Fomo) is a feeling of anxiety and fear of missing out on something new, be it information about events, trends or experiences. This feeling is commonly felt by many people, especially the younger generation who are familiar with social media where all information and developments are easily accessible.
Regarding fomo, UNESA Islamic lecturer, Kholida Ulfi Mubaroka, S.Sos., M. Sosio, in the Ngabuburit Bareng Genzi program by the Directorate of Prevention and Management of Strategic Issues (PPIS) on Thursday, April 4 2024, explained that fomo syndrome tends to be in a direction that is not reassuring.
Apart from that, it has an impact on a person's psychology and anxiety , that's why in Islam everything that excessively takes up time and positive situations must be avoided.
"If we use social media for positive things, building networks, increasing knowledge and insight is recommended. However, currently "It has made us focus on teaching confession, worry if it is not acknowledged and so on, it is no longer useful," he said.
Ulfi emphasized that religion does not prohibit its followers from using technology or social media, but rather demands how to use technology such as social media. can have a positive impact on its users. The basis of religion is to bring grace to humans with recommended virtues.
Fomo is sometimes influenced by the circle of friends, therefore young people in the circle of friends with fomo can slowly be reminded of its impact. Try to remember well without insulting, without criticizing, let alone being hostile or hurtful.
Then what about the feeling of being left behind in terms of goodness, such as the phenomenon of many Lailatulqadar posts, for example? For Ulfi, this is actually a good thing and a manifestation of the use of social media to spread the spirit of goodness and worship.
Competing in goodness is recommended, especially in worship. The prohibited part is competing for flexing or for the attention and recognition of others. As best as possible, all actions are intended to get closer to Allah SWT.
Communication science lecturer, Vinda Maya Setianingrum, S.Sos. , M.A., said, there are several things you need to pay attention to, so as not to be drowned out by feelings of fomo. First, don't be addicted to social media. How to? Of course you can do 'fasting' or limit the use of social media.
Secondly, based on the results of research by a number of experts, the negative impact of fomo is fatigue, anxiety and even depression. When you feel symptoms like that, it's best to look for solutions by limiting interactions, changing focus, and so on.
Third, look for activities or fun, so focusing on social media which causes fomo with its negative impacts can be diverted to other things. positive thing. For this to be sustainable, of course it needs to be strengthened by looking for a supportive friendship environment.
Fourth, change the fomo orientation to joy of missing out (jomo). Jomo is a feeling of enjoyment and not being afraid of missing information that is not necessary for him. For example, when his friends compete to buy branded clothes that are viral, he doesn't bother and instead buys clothes that are comfortable for him without looking at whether they are branded, viral or not.
Fifth, always be grateful for what you have for yourself. Avoid feeling less or left behind than others. This feeling of acceptance needs to be instilled in oneself. Acceptance here means reconciling your mentality so that you focus on your efforts to achieve what you hope for. []
Reporter: Nelly (FIP)
Editor: @zam* (FIP)
Photo: Documentation Public Relations Team
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