Both have doctoral degrees, Kartika Rinakit Adhe underwent a graduation procession at GRAHA UNESA accompanied by her beloved husband.
Unesa. AC ID. SURABAYA—Kartika Rinakit Adhe became the best graduate of the Basic Education Doctoral Study Program with a perfect GPA of 4.00 at the 111th Graduation Ceremony of Surabaya State University (UNESA) at GRAHA UNESA Campus II Lidah Wetan, on Tuesday, August 20 2024.
This achievement was certainly not easy for her, because in the midst of her busy schedule, both as a housewife and lecturer, she had to be good at managing her time. This was indeed challenging, but the woman who is familiarly called Kartika was able to complete her doctoral studies with proud achievements.
The woman who was born in Kediri talked about her challenges during college, because apart from being a lecturer, she also carried out duties as Coordinator of the Bachelor's Program in Early Childhood Education Teacher Education, as well as being an expert on educational game tools for the Early Childhood Education Directorate of the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Surabaya City Education Office.
At the beginning of the lecture, Kartika was overwhelmed, she even had offline meetings and online lectures simultaneously. When he wanted to speak in a meeting, he instead gave a response that was supposed to be for a lecture.
"And it happened the other way around. Since then, I started to divide my time as well as possible, sort of implementing priority management for studying and work. Thank God, it worked out smoothly until the end, ” he explained.
The Chancellor of UNESA gave an award to Kartika Rinakit Adhe as the best UNESA graduate.
Kartika always attends as a student after study program matters and teaching as a lecturer is finished. She attends as a student in lecture classes, and reads as many journals as possible, then does assignments in the evening "That's where I understood the importance of this transition process," he said.
The doctoral studies provided many new things that added to his insight and knowledge. One of them was related to the government program, namely the enjoyable transition from PAUD to elementary school became a common awareness.
She credits her success in completing her studies to the support of her beloved husband, who also happens to be a UNESA lecturer, who often helps by taking care of and caring for her little one psychological support for me," said the woman who likes trying new things.
After getting her doctorate, she will implement her knowledge in the lecture hall and advance the study program she leads. He hopes that students, who are currently struggling to complete their studies, will continue to learn, process and progress.
“Never think about giving up. Because, there are eyes full of hope waiting for us to become successful and happy people. Who else if not our loved ones, namely family," he concluded.[]
Reporter: Mochammad Ja'far Sodiq (FIP), Muhammad Azhar Adi Mas 'ud (FBS), Saputra (FBS), and Sindy Riska (Fisipol).
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA PR Team
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