Irena Audyna Naomi, undergraduate student of applied D-4 Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Vocational Studies, UNESA (center) shows off the award certificate she received while undergoing the MSIB program at PT Stechoq Robotika Indonesia.
Unesa., SURABAYA—Applied undergraduate students from the D-4 Mechanical Engineering study program, Faculty of Vocational Studies, Surabaya State University (UNESA) won two awards from the Certified Independent Study and Internship (MSIB) program at PT Stechoq Robotika Indonesia.
The student's name is Irena Audyna Naomi. For her important role and success during her internship at the R&D company, she received awards at the same time as "The Best Project Manager" and "The Best Time Manager".
The woman from Sidoarjo underwent MSIB from February 16 to 13 June 2024. "I initially asked seniors to find out about the MSIB program, it turned out that the benefits of this program were many, so in the end I tried to register and was accepted," he said.
The student who is familiarly called Irena explained her reasons for choosing an internship at the company This is none other than because the field is linear with what he studied on campus.
"In terms of the name alone, PT Stechoq Robotika Indonesia has the word 'robotics' which makes me interested. Apart from being linear, yes, I'm also happy with manufacturing companies related to robots or machinery," she explained.
Recent advances in robotics technology have challenged Irena to learn how professionals interpret robots, machines and produce them so they can reach the market.
“I want to learn from the professionals there to understand how this technology is applied in industry? Finally. "At that time I applied to become a mechanical engineer, and was accepted after passing a strict selection," he explained.
While at the company, Irena received a Stechoq LMS (Learning Management System) development project. Academy. She also worked on a project with a team consisting of 3 students, where Irena was chosen as project manager.
"Thank God, I have had some previous experience, participated in several previous competitions and was also a manager so it was quite helpful, even though it was automatic in the project "I have to do a double job as a technical team and project manager," he said.
In this project, Irena and the team focused on research and developmentof the LMS project to comply with ISO 9001 or international standards in the field of quality management systems.
As team leader, Irena was challenged to study and create learning materials and media related to karakuri (low-cost automation in industry ), special purpose machine and industrial automation.
Apart from that, he must also present the extent of the project he has led in front of the PIC, mentor, head of Stechoq Academy. "Then during the final exam, we created a "Pitch Deck" project, a kind of start up.
"I had to learn a lot of new things because in college I didn't get karakuri material. "So that's a challenge besides planning, coordinating the team because every week there is mentoring and weekly reports," he explained.
Through this MSIB, Irena has honed a lot of soft skills especially communication both with the team and mentor. Apart from that, I also learned about leadership, time management and collaboration. "I did a full internship from Monday to Friday. "This schedule means that I have to have good time management so that I can work on projects smoothly and ultimately succeed," he said. []
Reporter: Muhammad Azhar Adi Mas'ud (FBS)
Editor: @zam*
Photo : Doc Irena Audyna Naomi
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