Unesa.ac.id. SURABAYA--The Community Service Team (PKM) of the Faculty of Languages and Arts, Surabaya State University (UNESA) held a scientific article writing workshop at MTs Fathul Huda, Blitar on August 11 2024. This activity was specifically designed to help students prepare for the scientific writing competition by utilizing the media graphic organizer.
The activity took place in the Mts Fathul Huda Hall and was chaired by Syafi'ul Anam, Dean of FSB, whose members were FBS lecturers consisting of, Arik Susanti, Prima Vidya Asteria, and Ika Anggun Camelia. A total of 32 students from class VII, VIII and IX MTs representatives. Fathul Huda participated and most of them were students who would take part in a scientific writing competition.
In the training, students were guided by a number of experienced lecturers who provided practical guidance on how to compose scientific articles effectively, as well as how to utilize < em>graphic organizer to plan and organize writing ideas systematically.
Syafi'ul Anam, explained the reason the PKM team held this training to provide students with an in-depth understanding of the importance of good and correct scientific writing , as well as an easy way to use the graphic organizer.
"This activity is to improve students' scientific writing abilities, prepare them with the skills needed to be successful in competitions, and introduce methods that can help them better organize and develop their research ideas," said chairman of PKM.
According to him, in writing scientific papers, skills regarding good writing format are very necessary, especially in schools that focus on research. By mastering scientific writing, students can convey their ideas and findings systematically and responsibly.
This workshop aims to improve students' scientific writing skills, prepare them with the skills needed to be successful in competitions, and introduce methods that can help them organize and develop their research ideas better.
This training covers various important topics, such as the structure of scientific writing, application of academic language style, writing ethics, as well as citation and referencing techniques. Apart from that, participants also learn how to choose relevant research topics and conduct literature reviews effectively.
During the practical session, participants are given the opportunity to prepare an initial draft of their scientific paper. The lecturers then provided direct feedback, allowing participants to improve and perfect their written work.
The participants appreciated the guidance provided and felt more confident in facing the challenges of the upcoming competition. One of the participants, Narendra Ramadhan, a class XII student, expressed his joy at being able to receive this training. "This training is very useful for me. I am now more easily and able to compose scientific work correctly and according to academic standards," said Narendra.
This activity is part of UNESA's commitment to support academic development at the school level secondary school and facilitate students in achieving their potential in the field of research and scientific writing. This program is a manifestation of UNESA's commitment to improving the non-academic skills of students at school.[]
Writer: Arik Susanti/Putri AF (Internship)Editor: @zam*
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